Average Overall Score Given: 7.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Blood Omen 2

Gameplay: I have noticed a glitched in the software when you are on the level where you have to jump into a hole. The whole screen just started to shake as if it was an earthquake.
I managed to correct the problem by pausing the game. Other than that, the gameplay is somewhat ok but needs more work!
Graphics: The grahics are OK not all too great! I mean, come on! XBOX can produce more better visuals than that! Take Halo for an example. That is one well designed game!
Audio: Sound is cool! I liked the 3D and the music settings. The actor are great! The cutscene makes you feel like one of those Hollywood Vampire movies!
Suggestions: Needs more work on Visuals, not meeting the XBOX's capabilties!!
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10