Average Overall Score Given: 9.70000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 3
Mass Effect 2

Overall this is a great game the only con is the guns, which is not big if you love the story and RPG aspect, just gun battles got boring towards the end for me.
Amazing Game.....
Gameplay: The game play is very solid in M@!%#*! Effect 2. The balance of the RPG and TPS aspect are very well done. The TPS can be described as "Gears Like". You can jump in and out of cover as well as jumping over cover and shooting immediately. You also can command your teammates to use their powers such as Pull which pulls an enemy towards you slowly and lifts them in the air, allowing you to shoot them. Also the ability to choose your way through the game. You can choose what to say during dialogs and be courteous person or snap at people. You also must gain the trust and loyalty of your teammates in order to unlock secret powers and abilities.
Graphics: M@!%#*! Effect 2 is beautiful. The colors are crisp and clean as well as the environments being huge and looking like you are really on the ship. This game reminded me of a star wars movie to tell the truth. Especially the scenes where you are in bars or around weird mumbling alien creatures.
Audio: The audio and voice work in this game is amazing. Each character sounds different and once you hear someone speak you know who it is when they talk without seeing them. This works great in combat when one of your teammate says they are taking fire and you know exactly where they are and how to help out. I have Turtle Beach x41's(soon to be replaced with Astro A40's) and this game sounds incredible in them.
Suggestions: My only suggestion is to amp up the TPS aspect. Sometimes the shooting gets repetitive especially when you are not using the soldier cl@!%#*!. Less gun restrictions for each cl@!%#*! as well as more weapons. I was upset to see a lot of pistols and not very many sniper rifles or @!%#*!ault rifles.
Overall this is a great game the only con is the guns, which is not big if you love the story and RPG aspect, just gun battles got boring towards the end for me.
Amazing Game.....
Overall Score: 9.7 / 10