MEMBER PROFILE FOR elliottcjackson
Average Overall Score Given: 7.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 33

When I first popped in the game, it was fun and I was thrilled to be playing it. But as time progressed (first 15 minutes) many problems became apparent and I found myself turning my xbox off. This was the first time that I have ever voluntarily turned my xbox off. It was a sad day and I hope to never relive it.
Gameplay: As I played through the first mission of the game, I realized 3 apparent problems. One problem was that despite difficulty, the game was unbelievably hard. This is a little nit-picky, but if you have played this game, you know very well that your fellow ghostbusters aren't worth their weight in pennies. They seem to merely run around shooting their proton packs at any little thing that moves. This might seem helpful but it isn't for two reasons. One, they always miss, and two, only causes more property damage for you to pay for out of your own pocket. The Second problem that arose was how the game doesn't give you all of your weapons up front, it seems that in the ghostbuster universe, the only logical thing to do for a new ghostbusting recruit is to give him the weakest weapon available, not upgraded at all, and tell him that it's up to him to singlehandedly destroy a sumerian god that is climbing up a building to kill you in all of his marshmellow goodness. Finally, the third problem in the gameplay is this, if you find yourself fighting a boss who can one-hit KO you or anyone else, your allies will shoot at the boss with the weakest weapons, while standing stationary, and dying. You and your allies can try to revive downed teamates, but it seems when just one or two of your allies is downed, it's solely up to you to revive them. This becomes fatal during boss battles.
Don't get me wrong though, it is fun to shoot off your proton pack and to capture ghosts. It is fun to do, but is sadly the only fun thing to do. And it gets old after a while. In terms of the quality of gameplay, it is a very unique third person shooter in the way that it approaches wearing down and capturing ghosts. The game gets points in that category. But that's about it.
Graphics: This game looks pretty good in most aspects, but when cutscenes occur, the game can't seem to find the confidence to decide whether or not it should use the crappy in-game animations, or to use the really high quality, every once in a while cutscene CG. Other than that, nothing is more rewarding than seeing a proton beam being emitted from your gun, type-thing. Pretty good visuals.
Audio: Bottom line, not the best thing to listen to. Dr. Venkmen seems to only have one phrase that he says in-game. Whether it is him being shot, slimed, downed, or what I can guess is him suggesting what to do next. Another problem with the audio is that you never know when someone (other than venkmen) is downed. They never speak which makes it very hard to detect when you are absolutely screwed. Don't buy this game for the audio.
Suggestions: If things have to be suggested, AND THEY DO, then there would be a very short list.
This game needs better AI.
Clearer instructions on what to do next
Either more types of weapons or more upgrades that can't all be purchased before the last two levels!
Don't preview a game and create a ton of hype for your game and slap a franchise liscence on it before testing parts of the game on the public with at least a beta next time. It would have spared me 60 bucks.
Overall Score: 7.5 / 10