Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 11
Prisoner of War

This game also has sufficient appeal to go back at least once and try to beat your previous score - even more than once if you played it 'properly' (i.e. not reloading the previous save point before you're captured).
However it is a game that requires patience and some trial and error. It's perfect for people that like a challenge.
Gameplay: This unique style of game brings that added extra appeal.
Unfortunately, it's more linear than we are led to believe by various reviews, basically consisting of tasks/mini-missions for each camp and not the freedom to leave how and when you like. I sneaked to a boundary fence without any guards or turrets or barbed wire near it, yet wasn't allowed to climb the fence as I had to do it about 10 metres further down.
Still, these details don't detract from a nice experience. You can come back to it to try to beat your previous scores and doing so isn't tedious.
Graphics: Probably summed up by the fact that this game is also out on PS2 and it doesn't look like the superior graphics of the Xbox have been treated to a graphically superior version. Don't get me wrong, the graphics aren't bad at all, a lot of detail has gone into it - especially Colditz which is a perfect likeness - but it's not pushing the Xbox to the limit.
Audio: The sound certainly creates a good atmosphere and gets your heart beating when you're being chased, so you can't ask for more than that really!
Suggestions: Nice job! A few simple improvements could have been made, but certainly effort has gone into this and a good result.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10