Average Overall Score Given: 9.60000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 35
Halo 3: ODST

Halo 3 ODST is a whole new spin off of the Legendary Halo 3, the game takes place just before the events of halo 3 and gives the player a better view of what really happened....
However, you play as odst soldiers and not the master chief, personaly i think this is really cool but this might not appeal some of the ultimate master chief fans as he takes a back seat in this super first person shooter.
The game its self is amazing as you once again dominate the covenant with new weapons and the new VISR mode, which lets you to see in the dark.
The Graphics on ODST are outstanding, however its a bit grainy when you are using the VISR mode.
The Gameplay is ofcorse amazing with the come back of the pistol and the ULTRA COOL SMG in your hands you are ready for any fight.
I only have 2 problems with this game;
1. unless you find the audiofiles (which is hard when you only have 1 left to get), you cant get around the map quickly which is a pain as everything is pretty spread out.
2. some of the achievements glitch which means you have to sometimes replay the campain 2-3 more times
Not only do you get a all new campain, you get firefight mode which although is great (killing insane amounts of enemy), it feels like a bit of a rip off of Gears of War 2......ohh well who cares about that its great fun alone or with three friends, also getting yourself past set 5 on heroic gets you one step closer to unlocking yourself a Shiny Set of famous Recon Armour for use in halo 3's multiplayer, which might i add is included with ODST. Yes, this extra disc gains you acsess to halo 3's multiplayer and already has every map pack preloaded on to it.
I would recomend that anyone that doesnt already have this game, leaves there house now and goes out and gets it as it is one of the best games this year. Unfortunatly for Bungie, Modern Warfare 2 is coming out soon so there is going to be some major competition out there.
Overall Score: 9.8 / 10

the only thing not to love is the graphics on the smaller scenery that makes a big difference to graphics on other games.
All aside this game is the best flight simulator/action game in one, with a imence online multiplayer.
Great game and a must buy for all tom clancy games this is one of his best yet and the greatest ubisoft game on the market for 2009
hope for a sequal to this game will be looking out for it on the preorder chart.
Gameplay: Tom Clancy is back with this all new side to warfare. you are an elite pilot who joins this new worldwide private sercurity organisation after your USA squatron is decomitioned. you take filght above the various citys and areas around the world in a vide varity of fighter jets, bombers and muti purpose planes. use a great range of weapon kits that you can add to your plane to make the best of the objectives you have been set.
Overall Score: 9.5 / 10

take command of the unsc and find out what happened 20 years before the halo combat evolved event.
you are a marine, sergent forge from the m@!%#*!ive UNSC frigit Spirt of fire.
you are the number one man for the job as you command your troops around the vast mission maps to try and force back this new threat, the covenant.
Amazing game well worth the money, story could have been a bit longer but hopefully new DLC content should sort out that issue. 100% recomendation
Gameplay: Gameplay on this game is great, im not a m@!%#*!ive fan of these type of games but this game has changed my mind completely.
You take control sergent forge a UNSC marine commanded by the UNSC ship 'Spirit of Fire'. Embark on the journey to find out what sparked the m@!%#*!ive war in the halo series.
this game is a great one of a kind and is a must buy.
the only down side to this game is that you cant be in the action like halo 1,2,3 but you control it. If you think about it though after you have played it, first person gameplay style in the halo 1,2,3 would seem a bit silly on this battlefeild.
Graphics: the graphics on this game are great, not as good as halo 3 but still great and gives you a amazing visual experience its self. the m@!%#*!ive open free flowing maps are just spectacular. only problem is that you can only see properly when your army is on screen, abit of a let down but they probably have there reasons
Overall Score: 9.5 / 10