Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1
Gun Metal

Gameplay: The versatility between the different modes to control the Havoc makes the game accessable to many different people. I'm more of a "Classic" man myself, but hope to one day graduate up to the elite group and make use of the "Hybrid" settings. The help of the auto-aim also makes some of the more frenzied moments very long as you don't get overly !&%$@#* y and place yourself in the middle of the enemy!!
Graphics: The panoramic view of the landscape from overhead in the jet mode is quite stunning, and the detail in the friendly/enemy units are pretty cool as well. For those out there who like the good ole carnage, you can step on the little people as well as the building, the trees, the walls...
Audio: The sounds is really good as well, but there is one thing I have to say could use some work... The commander that gives you the warning on some things can become a bit nerve racking and annoying...liable to make a pilot wish to go rogue just to shut him up!!
Suggestions: Only thing missing is the mulitplayer/co-op mode in the game, and maybe even some link/live playability.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10