Average Overall Score Given: 8.15000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 8
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

You play as starkiller apart from the first level when you are darth vader.
The story takes part between episode 3 and episode 4 and a great story it is with lots of well known characters such as princess leia,darth vader,the emporer and many more.
The gameplay is great and the force power's make you feel like you are in the films and like a jedi.
Gameplay: The gameplay is very good with lots of different moves and ways to dispatch of your enemy,the force power's are great and playing the bad guy a great twist to all the other star wars games,being able to pick them up enemy's and throw them about like a rag doll is very cool and that is only one of many.
The levels are all different with lots of objects to use like you can pull parts of the ceiling down on your enemy.
The end of level bosses could have been done better but they are ok and to finish them off you have to press buttons in sequence.
There is no multiplayer which could have made the game better but i think there is a lot of replay value.
Graphics: I will have to say the visuals are quite stunning the levels are different and the colours are bright and colourful and the different worlds are true to the films and like great.
The cutscenes are great to look at and go well with the storyline and all the characters are well designed thats why i gave it a good score.
Overall Score: 8.8 / 10

For starters it is not that hard to complete it took me about 12 hours which is not that long in my opinion,you can play co-op which gives it some replay value but with only 5 levels it wont take long to complete a few times.
The story is ok and this is the first part of a trilogy so hopefully the next 2 will be better.
There are five type's of person to choose from all rounder to berserker and so on and there are plenty of weapons and armour to customise your character.
If you want to collect all of the acheivments you are going to have to go throught it 4 or 5 times to get them all.
In all the game is good but could have been so much better.
Gameplay: Well the gameplay is ok you use the right stick to control all of your melee moves and compo's and the left and right triggers to use your guns which works ok.
The worsed thing about this game is the camera angle's which can get very annoying and it can get very repetative after a while.
The a.i is not that great but if u like a hack 'n' slash game then u will quite like it.
The rpg element is ok but nothing new to write about
Graphics: The visual's are quite impressive at time's but not groundbreaking the levels are ok but they are roughly all the same type of thing, the cut scenes are quite good the larger enemy's like really good the gaint dog on the hel levels looks good.
Overall i would give the visuals 78%.
Overall Score: 7.5 / 10