Average Overall Score Given: 5.87500 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

Overall Score: 1.9 / 10

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: This is a numbed down game from gran theft auto, the good thing is rock star makes it. now you think a kid version of gran theft auto would be less likable, but that's not the case here not in my opinion anyway. as it does have the same feel it sure has its own feel
Graphics: I will start out to say i am happy this game was put out again even though is was originally debuted on the ps2 so the graffics are upped as well as the game play. visually though its amazing yes it is put out by rock star which normally means the graffics are sub par but because scale isn't as large as gran theft auto the graffics are surprisingly good,
Audio: again this is put out by rocks star so listening to gran theft auto explains the audio. something i would like to say is that i do like the voice acting everyone has there own personality. one person i would like to give props to is the main actor definitely a distinguished voice.
Overall Score: 8.6 / 10

now that i think about it there is one more thing probably my biggest complaint out of them all... you only get to black as black spidey for one to 2 levels and it not even the symbiot suit,somehow a crystal shard turns your outfit black?
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10