Total Reviews: 4
Average Overall Score Given: 5.87500 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0


Overall: Where to start on the lack of effort for this game. O.k. i don't like to bash games, i mean to each his own right, but it looks like my son could have made this game. Sound harsh?, well here we go. First off this game has multiple levels but they all look the same. Second they battle system is garbage i felt like i had no control the baddies seem to move in a circle so much that the four button attack system destroys itself. Third just something personal i hate collecting things in video games when are people going to realize this doesn't work well in anything? If i told you instead of playing video games i need you to go find every poster in town with a dog on it what would you say, if you want me to have a new weapon give it to me or let it be purchasable. Finally think about it, the movie had a great premise why ruin it with a video game not to say i hate all movie games but when will people learn to spend more time on them its like someone thinks that you have to put a game out right when the movie comes out so there always so rushed.

Overall Score: 1.9 / 10 Shadowrun

Overall: what would you say if i told you i was going to make a game like halo meets world of war craft? well that is what you get out of this game along with the ever so comfortable fps comes a new take and in my opinion a fresh one there is plenty to do in this game (one of those being a very big learning curve) but also magic and a lot of it everything from teleportation to force push you can definitly do a lot of things that would normally be taboo in other fps's oh and did i mention tech yup thats right tech items like radars to backpacks filled with wings over all i love this game

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Bully: Scholarship Edition

Overall: overall i liked this game. One thing i like to mention as i am a game score whore myself is the achievements here are very rewarding, they come pretty steadily they come here and there every so often. I liked the feeling of a kid version of the gran theft auto genre. the story line is good i like the conflict the game has. i will say that the ending was not what i wanted from the game but i look forward to a sequel. the game length is good and you don't feel like you are doing the same thing over and over. not much else to say but its a gran theft auto game. hivbia out

Gameplay: This is a numbed down game from gran theft auto, the good thing is rock star makes it. now you think a kid version of gran theft auto would be less likable, but that's not the case here not in my opinion anyway. as it does have the same feel it sure has its own feel

Graphics: I will start out to say i am happy this game was put out again even though is was originally debuted on the ps2 so the graffics are upped as well as the game play. visually though its amazing yes it is put out by rock star which normally means the graffics are sub par but because scale isn't as large as gran theft auto the graffics are surprisingly good,

Audio: again this is put out by rocks star so listening to gran theft auto explains the audio. something i would like to say is that i do like the voice acting everyone has there own personality. one person i would like to give props to is the main actor definitely a distinguished voice.

Overall Score: 8.6 / 10 Spiderman: Friend or Foe

Overall: Well i will start out with the fact that other than they incredibly easy achievements this game offers there just is not much els to say about it. The first complaint i have is the graffics, i mean come on when i turn my xbox 360 on and the game i am playing looks like a ps2 game something is wrong. Another really bad aspect of the game is the multi-player, the only character in the game that has more than one attack and one special is spider-man. I mean come on the multi player co-op is not even xbox live required and lets be honest when your friend comes all the way to your house and has one button to push as he plays what he thought was going to be an awsome vemon and spidey duo he is really just going to make fun of you for either buying this game unless its for you achievement whores out there. Lastly even if you do sit down by yourself and just bust out those achievements the story is horibble baddies that have been villians for all of our child hoods have really just been good guys brain washed come on well thats it hivbia out

now that i think about it there is one more thing probably my biggest complaint out of them all... you only get to black as black spidey for one to 2 levels and it not even the symbiot suit,somehow a crystal shard turns your outfit black?

Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

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