Average Overall Score Given: 9.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Unreal Tournament 3

Gameplay: The gameplay for Unreal Tournament 3 is so smooth its ridiculous (in a good way). I was just shocked by the performance and how the game handles. I played the PS3 version and it just feels too retarded because of the sixaxis controller it just sucks in my opinion, but having played it with the Xbox 360 controller, its just amazing on how comfortable the game actually feels with it. Anyway, game play is good and the online play is perfect. I love the fact if you want to host a game it goes into a server list which is always cool because you can pick and choose! For ranked matches its more of the Halo feel with the matchmaking which is fine with me. Overall this game handles beautifully.
Graphics: Unreal Tournament 3's visuals are top notch. I have a high power pc at home with a top quality NVIDIA card (gig of video ram) all the specs turned up... but running the Xbox 360 version is exactly the same thing, so visually the graphics are just as good. This game is very sexy and a must have if your into first person shooters.
Audio: The one thing I loved about Unreal Tournament 2004 for the PC was the audio and the way the announcer talks within the game, now with Unreal Tournament 3 its just that much better. I love hearing whats going on in the game and especially when the bots or people your playing with use the D-Pad to have their character say stuff within the game. Definitely awesome! But all round audio while your playing could be more dead on!
Suggestions: The only thing I have to say to the developers is this... I would love to shake your hand and basically say... Job well done! This game is outstanding in every aspect and I'm glad the Xbox 360 release was pushed back for the simple fact that we got to hear the pros and cons from people in the community about the PC and PS3 versions. So you guys took the time out to add split screen which was awesome and a big plus but no mods! That is one thing that I am very upset about I really have to tell ya. But over all the Xbox 360 version kicks some serious @!%#*! I just hope you guys find a way to have our user created content playable on UT3 for the 360.
Overall Score: 9.5 / 10