Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 205
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway

I've played the previous games on the original Xbox and they weren't all that bad, But after i played the demo i just thought it had no atmosphere and basicaly sucked @!%#*!!. Then several months later with £19:99 to spare i thought i would give it a shot and to be honest i was quite suprised in what i was playing. It was nothing like the demo portayed it was pretty good, Once you get over the fact that its not as action packed as the CoD games its pretty enjoyable to play.
I bought it on the saturaday and finished it on the sunday night (verteran). Its not a keeper as im taking it back as i bought it band new and ive recently noticed they have it on preowned on the two for thirty range. But overall its pretty good fun and a great story once you get your head round the fact it aint fast paced and as quick as CoD
Gameplay: Pretty much like the previous titles, Fun to play but pretty short lived, theres only ten actualy gameplay missions but theres lost of objectives to do and they normaly last about 30mins each,
As in the previous games its a tactical shooter, Command your squad to fire on the target and the go and flank, You dont have to use these options but its fun to mix them up abit, The story is quite fresh aswell with a slight mix of F.E.A.R to boot, Which was pretty sweet for a war game as i imagine war vets having images of there fellow dead soldiers and what not constantly running throuoght there minds. but it has some great key moments in it, Tank missions are a little sloppy but nevermind, Great story which is pretty moving at times, Only thing i didnt like about it is the previous to now kind of theme they had goin seemed pretty pointless
Graphics: some pretty sweet visuals, Apart from the characters eyes looking like they are carebears lol, Explosions are nice and effective and tracers bullets are nicely done aswell, Blood and gore is few and far between apart from in cut scenes where its pretty much full on, When you get a great head shot or a bang on grenade you get the Action cam feature where time slows down in a sort of matrix mode and you see heads explode or arms fall off (pretty sweet but it aint no Soldier of Fortune) rain effects are nice and so is the fire effects, One mission inperticular where you start to trip out and all the fire makes the screen turn a deep dark red, But all in all a nice use of the Unreal Engine
Audio: Not as good as CoD or Medal of Honor for that matter (my own opinion) guns dont really sound authentic enough for me, some sound like hardend pea shooters but explosions sound pretty good, Distant gun fights do sound pretty good but thats not where you are or the action thats taking place. Other than these little things (lol) the sound isnt half bad really
Suggestions: May the next BIA title have more action with more things to do and if they really have to put tank missions in place please have a better controll system other than that its a pretty good little game
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10