Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 69
State of Emergency

Gameplay: you have the option to play the game, in either misson mode, or choas mode, misson is story based, well sort of, you are given a misson, and though they are fun, boy can some be hard. the timed ones are killers, by the time you've gotten to where you think you should be, it's over. it's only by retrying that you release what/who you gotta get/kill. choas mode is simpley smash,kill destory whatever,whoever for points. very good fun, last clone standing is 200 clones running around, and you gotta take em out in the fastest time possible. the sight of mowing down 40 or so with a machine gun is gamiong heaven. the dead stay on the screen, so soon you have bodies every where. all modes are fun, but misson mode really can be hard, yet as you unlock stuff by doing it, rewarding. 2 player last clone standing is multiplayer fun, it's all fun.
Graphics: the sight of maddness you get on screen i've never seen beaten. there's people, things everywhere, it's madddnesss. you can have like 200+ people on the screen at once. the characters look good, the bloods perfect, and lots of it. i have no gripes with the visuals at all, i've heard some say they're to cartoony, but i don't see it, and if they want it made more realistic, i think they need help, of the medical kind.
Audio: playin your own tracks is a god send to any game nowerdays. and the in game sounds do the job. you get gun casing sounds of them fallimng on the floor, to the chatter of the people running around.
Suggestions: you've given us a affordable slice of gamin pleasure. the inclusion of multiplayer is welcome as is the soundtrack feature. keep up the good work, i enjoyed playin it, and to me thats all it's about.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10