Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 13
Devil May Cry 4

But overall in my opinion this is the second greatest Devil May Cry in the franchise right behind DMC3. The storyline is very gripping and eventually keeps you on the edge of your seat, the love story placed in the middle of all the action is equally beautiful.
So do I recommend buying it? Well that depends, do you want to re-play it on all of the different difficulty modes, try the 100 levels of the palace? If so yeah go buy it, but get it used. Otherwise rent it.
Gameplay: With Dante not being the main character of this game everyone thought that the gameplay would slack with the lack of Dante's quick moves, weapons etc. But that one feature is what makes the game spectacular.
Nero the new main character is just as equally @!%#*!y as Dante. But it takes a bit to get used to his features but once you do there is no turning back. The best part about Nero is his Devil bringer. This demonic arm will become your best friend throughout the game and every boss fight has a time where you can use the devil bringer to launch a m@!%#*!ive flashy combo. His sword has an Exceed feature, which if pressed at a certain time will give your next sword strike almost double the power, there are three nodes for exceed but ive only figured out how to get one. But believe me you wont use it much.
The puzzles in the game are really challenging, just more annoying. Nothing a novice couldnt handle though. Theres also an auto skill feature where you can pick from three catagories to randomly pick your skills which comes in handy. But dont worry if you mess up you can get all points earned throughout the game and re-distribute them as needed.
You do play as Dante around the last half of the game which becomes difficult without the devil bringer since your so used to it. But eventually new weapons will replace it and make it slightly easier to defeat the enemies. Also unlike DMC3 where you had to find a gold statue to change your style DMC4 introduces the quick select style. Simple press one of the D pad directions for the corresponding style you want. This helps with taking up your style rank to get a better score for the end of the chapter.
The only annoying things I find about the game, just like the past devil may cry's the camera angle is a problem, sometimes when you switch from frame to frame the camera will flip and you will be holding the wrong direction which will usually cause you to turn around. Also you literally fight every boss in the game over 3 times. Now the first two times makes sense since you change characters. But it does get annoying.
Graphics: Visually the game is superb. The cut scenes are beautiful. Sparks during sword play look real as can be. Everything in the game is pretty much destroyable and interactive. Weather effects are beautiful, I believe the first glimpse you get is when you first enter the castle and its snowing. The frame rate is as smooth as can be. I honestly cant think of anything disappointing visually.
Audio: Audio is also excellent. Catchy tunes during battles keep you interested and alert you when enemies are near. The audio on boss battles just lets you know your in for an epic battle. The sound effects in the background are amazing, from chirping birds in the forest. To the grunts and growls from each enemy.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10