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Assassin's Creed

First the good. The graphics are as you would expect, amazing. The scenery is impressive and to pearch atop a high point and see all the places you CAN actually go, it's kinda impressive. Everything is quite well detailed. Without giving away too much of the story, the "second portion" of the story is...well i'll save that for the cons. The combat system was good the first 20 times that you do it, and the special moves are cool....but repetative..and with that...
The cons however outweigh the pros. Repitition is this games montra. From the lady that runs up to me every 5 min asking me for change which gets really bothersome when i'm trying to accomplish something, to the unjust detection by the gaurds around every corner. This game REEKS of repeition. Synchronization with your envrionment is repetitive. Again, it's all very cool the first time you do it, but after the 15th time, you're kind of over it.
That being said, the game is a great rental, but save the purchase for the other games on your list. This one is a RENT for sure.
Happy playing!
Overall Score: 6.5 / 10