Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 86
Shenmue 2

Gameplay: You start up were u left off in shenmue 1. As RYo Hazuki, you are searching for Lan Di, the man who killed your father. You can follow tehe storyline, or just wander around hong kong, going to stores, gambling, streetfight, arcades, duck racing........
Graphics: BEUATIFUL GRAPHICS. shenmue 1 spent 86 million on graphics, and they obiously used the same machine on shenmue 2. people, places, beutiful. especaily at the end of the game.
Audio: Beautiful, real life sounds. You feel as if you are really in Hong Kong, hearing all the people and life around you. and i almost forgot, the soundtrack is amazing, beuatiful, unforgetable
Suggestions: Its a shame that shenmue 1 never came out on xbox. even though sehnmue 2 is better, sehnmue 1 still is my favorite. the DVD of shenmue 1 coming with shenmue 2 helps some, but you really cant get the essentce of the shenmue saga without playing shenmue 1.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Unbelievable. THis is a game that you will never get tired of. ANd it is challanging, too, so itll take a while before you beat it
Graphics: Unbelievble. Graphics are great. THe way the game portrays everything in the spying world is great too.
Audio: Unbelivable. Great sound with the guns, the voices, everything. VOice acting was great .
Suggestions: It would of been cool if you could pick up enemy's weapons after you killed them, but other than that, the game was perfect!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10