Average Overall Score Given: 9.60000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 11

Gameplay: It's everything I loved about Armored Core, plus better graphics and faster gameplay. I like how you can upgrade what you have and earn more things by doing tricks to get more cash. It's pretty kewl. Though you can't compare this to the gameplay of Halo, I like Halo a lot more.
Graphics: Outstanding. The visuals in this game just flow. What's best is there is no slow down at all. But, I do disagree with earlier reviews saying this is better than Halo. It isn't better than Halo.
Audio: The sounds and sound effects are really good, unfortunately they get in the way of the voice overs. I couldn't hear anything that was said in the five minute long intro to the game. My advice is to dumb down the music and the sound effects in options and raising the voice level so you can hear what is needed to be done.
Suggestions: Make the voices louder. Can't hear anything. Would have been nice if you had more options in designing and upgrading your character, like in the original Armored Core. From what I see there aren't that many detremental options you can upgrade to that will effect your gameplay too much or make missions easier. Also, maybe you can make and design your own shoulder patches just like in Armored Core. That was a nice option.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Except for the fact the fighting is too slow, b/c we are all used to games like DOA3 and such, the rest of the game is pretty good. I miss the ability to back track more like in Soul Reaver and even the original Blood Omen, the story is the thing.
Graphics: The graphics are great, for a PS2. But like I said before, this game is all about the story. Kains animations are great and the cut scenes are excellent, but everything else just seems half done. The problem I see is that the PS2 is about 1/3 as powerful as the XBox, so the graphics are going to be dumbed down. If I was a PS2 owner I would be thanking EIDOS for doing something with my POS2, but as an XBox owner I thank them for the story line.
Audio: Fortunately the only way you can mess up the sound is to have bad voice acting and not timing the action with the sound. The sound on BO2 is excellent just like the rest of the Legacy of Kain series. The music is dark enough and well timed with what the action is going to take place. So there is no complaints here.
Suggestions: Piss on PS2 and make it up to par with the rest of the the XBox line up graphically. The ability to back track would be much nicer to find more stuff just like the rest of the series. Kick the fighting up a notch. Blocking your opponent for three strikes then whooping his buttocks in mid-4th strike gets old after awhile, plus a faster, more responsive fighting system would be so much more fun. Seems like forever before you can deliver a strike or a dodge. This, or maybe I have been playing too much DOA3.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The shiznit. I like the idea you can just hop into almost any vehicle and do some Off-Road/Battle Tank/WipeOut/Descent type gameplay. The story line is so kewl, but unless Master Chief has one the Medal of Honor he is just an E-8 and the one doing the saluting. You don't salute enlisted.
Graphics: ....Hot..... you thought I was going to say it. LOL. If you don't agree this is the best out right now for FPS visuals for the XBox you are a crack baby.
Audio: Kinda nice to hear your enemy quiver and cowar before your feet as you shoot the poor bastard with his own weapon the reverberates threw your room.
Suggestions: When you fall out of a vehicle you should be tucking a roling, not landing on your feet like you just stepped out of your grocery getter. Also, would of been nice to be able to do some side stepping type acrobatics to avoid enemy fire.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Like I said before, like Zelda on crack. It has just enough stuff to do to please you, but leaves you wanting more.
Graphics: Umm, Like Zelda on Crack....Needs much more in the visual department, but we all still loved Zelda. Go link boy...Go.
Audio: Ummmmmm.....Needs a lot of work. Hard to listen to the guy talking to you at the mirrors when you are whooping some booty.
Suggestions: Kiwi, Kiwi, Kiwi. Alot of rubbin with a nice soft rag dripping with ice cold water with kiwi on it... Remember...lil circles...lil circles people.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: True physics, if you can't drive, you can't play. Simple as that and then some. Can't get any better, plus the idea you are offroad instead of on road is this redneck's bread and butter.
Graphics: Outstanding. If things get better than this I am going to have to start washing out the much from my teeth.
Audio: The sound effects are great and precise, and Offspring goes great with the racing. Hardcore and fast like God intended.
Suggestions: Ummmm....make one with Offroad trucks. Then you will get my dollar...again.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10