Average Overall Score Given: 2.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 68
Nightcaster: Defeat The Darkness

Gameplay: Once again you are VERY limited in your movements. And I found the maps to be move then difficult to understand. I keep wondering back the way I had just come from and when I looked at the map I couldn't tell which way the arrow was pointing in order to get back in the right direction.
Graphics: The graphics were pretty cool. And I'm sure they would have only gotten better the farther into the game I got. But I just couldn't get past the gameplay being so difficult.
Audio: The sound was also above average. Even on a 19' TV I could hear the different sounds in the forest.
Suggestions: Give us more to do with the character. Just hitting and casting spells grows old real quick.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10