Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Dead Rising

tired of people cutting it short. It is a must
have for anyone who likes zombies, dislikes
zombies, or just have an unsatisfiable lust to
kill thousands of things. While everyone has
opinions on how this game would have been
"so much better" its like that on nearly every
game, this one isnt special.
In short, give this game a bad review, in the
occasion of a zombie outbreak ill be sure to
use you as a distraction.
Gameplay: Thousands of zombies, phsyco clowns dual
wielding chainsaws, a megaman blaster, nuff
said. Dead rising gameplay is excellent,
although the survivor system is awful and
getting every achievement would be nearly
impossible, removing a zombies guts with
your bair hands never gets old. The storyline
is very detailed and enjoyable, enough to
keep you playing till the end, im not sure I
liked how every achievement is worth 20
points, how you get the same ammount for
killing 53.594 zombies then if you killed your
first thousand. The weapon sellection is
amazingly vast, its amazing that how in a
mall you can get everything from a battle axe
to a stuffed bear. As for the save system?
its freaken fine, theres bathrooms
everywhere, what fun would it be if you could
save 5 feet away and get a 100 attempts on a
hard boss till you get lucky, if you find fighting
through some measily zombies then whoopie,
go learn to play before writing bad reviews for
this amazing game. The games concept is
unique and gives it a huge ammount of replay
value. The shooting system is fine, a photo
journalist isnt supposed to be an amazingly
good shot for no aparent reason.
Graphics: The visuals are awesome, there can be
thousands of zombies on the screen and it
still runs clearly, although the game may not
be as beautiful as games like gears of war,
but if gears of war had to have thousands of
locust on the screen at any given time i doubt
it would be. The one thing I could say I have a
problem with would be the small message text
on non HD screens, other then that, the
visuals were great.
Audio: Im not one who tends to notice sounds in
games much, but ide say the voice overs
were well done, and all the sound effects were
Suggestions: Kill otis, change the ammount of points each
achievement gives, make looking at your
watch pause the game, get a freaken better
survivor system. Also maybe after your done
shooting hockey/golf balls/pucks you can
actualy use the golf club/ hockey stick as a
weapon? I would really like it if they just gave
the person a little camera they can put in
there pocket, instead of a big one you lug
around everywhere.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10