Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 12
Azurik: Rise of Perathia

Gameplay: This isn't a typical slash and hack through to get some item type of game. Through his quest, Azurik will gain elemental powers that can be combined to offer an array of tools and weaponry to assist him. For instance, Azurik must gain the elemental power of Fire and Water, combine them, and use it to melt large ice blocks blocking access to other areas of his world. With fire also brings light, this gives the ability to light up a dark cavern and see where you're going.
The controls are pretty straight forward and easy to use. The left thumbstick controls movementment, the cross pad controls camera rotation and zoom. The right thumbstick controls the camera angle. Combinations of keys with the left trigger activates his elemental powers. My only problem would be with the camera and Azurik's jumping. The camera angle can get annoying to adjust at certain times especially when you submerge and surface in water.
Azurik can jump and pull himself up over certain obstacles. At times, when you think he can climb up an obstacle he can't. Other times when you don't think he can, he does.
Graphics: The game's graphics are stunning. The visual effects look great and the colors nicely reflect the current realm he's in. When you're on a high ledge or structure, take the time to look around and enjoy the scenery. Looking down at the worldpool in the middle of the water realm from the top of the tower is a magnificent sight.
Audio: The music is one thing that really draws you into the game. It really reflects the feeling and gameplay. It's a score you would expect to hear in an epic film. It gives the impression of the enormity of the realms and the world as a whole.
Suggestions: Tweaking the camera mode. The combat mode merely zooms out and gives and overhead view. An auto-follow or director's view type of camera mode would be nice.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10