Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas

yeah those guys suck. this game is by far one
of the best to come out for the 360 in 06.
Gameplay: if i wanted to make panecakes, i probably
could, you can do so many things in this
game. there are a few glitches (like in evry
game) if there was a 4.7 i would put that but i
have to go 5
Graphics: great graphics, occasionally the "graphic
assets" wont load for about 3 minutes but other
than thaqt there great. the over view of las
vegas is sick
Audio: i have surround so its extra good, but any
where its great. from the slot machine to the
explosion to the printer, heli, and so on, every
thing sounds amazing in this game
Suggestions: yes mr.developer, please make a 2nd like in
new york or something
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10