Average Overall Score Given: 9.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Halo: Combat Evolved

Gameplay: Where else can you see cut scences that show dead bodies on the ground from where you killed people before the cut scene. It is way impressive, and a real joy to play with a friend. Sniper is so awesome it makes the game by itself.
Graphics: Stunning. Everything looks good. Wish they would move the static images around on the screen so they don't burn in to my HDTV. I want that Jeep!!!
Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1 is awesome!!!!! The sound rocks majorly!!!! Best soundtrack I have ever heard. I want all the music in this game on a CD.
Suggestions: Would be nice to be able to play through the game with all four people, instead of only 2. If not, then let us play one level with all four in Team mode against the computer.
Please let us blow more stuff up!!!!
Make a game with just the Tank!!!
Make a game with just the Jeep!!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: What can I say, it's an adventure game. Walk, run, jump, swim, dodge, attack, fly. It's all there, you just have to do it alot to make the story unfold.
Graphics: This game is bueatiful. Reminds me of Ultima IX, which I loved the feel of the world. The ice is something to behold. And Mr. Blue dude looks stunning. Underwater could have been better, but the waters surface during the storm is wonderful.
Audio: Beautiful sound tracks, but the attack sounds do get old after the first 200 times of hearing them. It would have been nice to hear something different once in a while.
Suggestions: Give user ability to modify contol layout like in Halo. Once you kill monsters, they should stay dead forever.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10