Average Overall Score Given: 6.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire

Gameplay: The story seems alright and cool - well, it is James Bond right? The layout of the levels I played was also fine with me. The problem came with the awkward control schemes that were available. It was hard to control Bond and the whole experience was just not smooth and fun.
There were wierd things about the AI too. I was shooting my grappling hook at guards before they knew I was around and they didn't even notice as the hook went through them. Note that the hook won't hurt them, they just don't notice that a grapling hook is being fired into the wall in front of their face. There is a laser that will cut locks, the strange thing is that it will ONLY cut locks - not anything else or harm enemies. The guards also didn't notice me when I shined the laser at them. I could even shoot one guard from hiding and the guard next to him didn't even notice even though the dead guard would fall at his feet.
Graphics: This was where I felt that the game really lost it. The graphics are just unacceptable to me for an XBOX game. Even PS2 owners should reject this attemp as completely inadaquate. Bond's hand sticks straight out in front of him no matter what he's holding or where he's looking - it looks ridiculous. When you move or look around a room things appear jerky often and you really notice that everything is bland and without detail.
Audio: The sound was noticably on the poor side of average but there was nothing specific worth mentioning.
Suggestions: Make a game that won't cause players who actually were looking forward to playing it to laugh continously throughout. Don't rush through a game just because you know a Bond game will sell no matter what. More detailed graphics - they are embarrassing to the xbox
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is really the best part of the game. It just feels natural when you are controlling the players. The controls were easy to pick up and work as you would expect them to. The amount of scoring is kept low as it should in a sim, but it is still very fun. There are some problems with the AI not getting open where you wold expect them to and not picking up opposing players correctly, but it is just as good as other video soccer games in this department.
Graphics: The graphics are pretty good from far away. With the camera zoomed all the way out it will actually look like a game is on TV. Close ups of the players though reveal PS1 quality player models - very dissapointing. If there was one major flaw with this game it is the awful player graphics. There is little customization of player faces and build so the players barely look like their MLS counterparts. The stadiums are pretty well done in size and depth but look like they are made of plastic. Lighting is excellent though. Also excellent are the ESPN style menu graphics that are right on.
Audio: Sound effects are pretty well done - nothing stands out. The announcers fall behind the play sometimes and seem to repeat the same phrases a little too frequently, but the voices and comments are well done. The ability to have a Spanish speaking announcer is great. The crowd reaction is good but I caught them a few times seemingly cheering for the wrong team.
Suggestions: Please update the player models - on the XBOX I expect MUCH MUCH better players. Maybe add some special teams that can be unlocked.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10