Average Overall Score Given: 8.25000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 3996
Grand Theft Auto: Double Pack

Gameplay: Same ol mayham but now with your favorit tones and even better graphics. I have loved slaying ppl on this game for sometime and I like seeing things better on my xbox and HDTV.
Graphics: Way better graphics over its aged PS2 counterpart, however, still not as good as most games. For example many of the chars. look blocky.
Audio: Well now its got some DD sound. This makes it even more of a great game to have on the xbobx. I was glad to see that they let you play your own custom tracks while driving.
Suggestions: Make the next one "start" on both the xbox and the PS2. Also higher some good graphics ppl, like ubi soft. ^_^
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: Classic tetris, plus many new types. My favorit is for sure block tetris. Its where you creat a four by four block out of either like or dissimualar peices.
Graphics: Well its tetris ya know not to much for great breath taking graphics. I will say that the menue system is easy to work with.
Audio: Again it tetris and its not a game known for its breath taking sounds. But, it does allow you to play custom sounds tracks, which is perhaps next to online play, the very best thing that was added to this already great game. I love playing my Brave Heart sound track while beating the !&%$@#* out of ppl. ^_^
Suggestions: Dear God make it so that you can fix the problems with this game. I hate it when your in a game and it glitches and not all the ppl can see each other and not all the trash is given out equelly.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: I think this is best looked at in two parts. One offline campaign mode, this is a nonstop action with a well-driven story. Again here you see some great enemy AI, *not halo* like but good. Also, the graphics are even better offline I think, it is 480p NE way though. The cut scenes are nice a beautifully rendered. Online, is where it’s at for most ppl and certainly one of the funnest parts I played last night. There are several dif game types that can be switched on the fly making it very user friendly. There is also a more concerted effort for team play, this comes from many things but two really standout. One, there is no map to use to see where your ppl are, so you will have to talk and learn the terrain. Two, there are classes of ppl you can be and they must work with each other to get things done, ie… call in air strikes with the lieutenant only, and of course the medic can only help heal you. These are all things that give RTCW lasting appeal.
Graphics: I don’t want to use GR only here to judge this game but since lots of ppl own that I think its easy to compare it here and have ppl understand. RTCW is way better than GR in this dept. From the facial movement while the players talk to the explosions, this game stands out as not being Halo but some where between it and GR. Again I say it helps that its done in 480p for those of us blessed enough to own an HDTV.
Audio: Here is the one area that I think GR and this game can stand side by side. I liked the sound it supports DD and all. I think I heard less voice lag and that’s a plus over GR but other than that I say its on par with other games out there.
Suggestions: Well I think we found a bug last night in that often the voice channel switched from general to something else on its own. But I am very thankful that this game has a DL content area built in so I say get this and NE other bugs fixed up with a DL soon and please give us more weapons and maps, and what about some vehicles. I love games with vehicles. lol
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

One of the funnest times I have had with a sports game period! I loved the old NBA Jams and this was par with the fun I had with those titles on N64. Every thing about this game is useable and was put in with the player in mind. From the Killer moves to the customizable players, moves, and more, it all added up to longevity. When I was through with the first game and earned my first 50pts I could not wait to see what all I could unlock, when I got to the page I was amazed to see all the extras they had there to work towards.
Gameplay: There is a verity of things to do in this game. Your can play; pick up game, training, becoming a legend, and others. After finishing my training I played a lot of pick up games and that’s where the fun was, with two ppl this quickly became a competitive game. After my friend (Coolerf150 from here) went home I moved on the NBA area of play. That was also fun, at first I was being schooled but soon after watching the AI ppl play I found that I was getting better too. At this point I would like to add that on ever level (there are three) the AI is set to just the right balance for a competitive play and all out fun.
Graphics: This game looks great. I had my doubts with the new look. But after a few minutes of play I was assured that EA Big had went the right direction with this one. I loved how closely they got the players shot still and overall look. Notable of those that I seen was Jordan’s Fade away, Shaq’s Free Through, and V. Carter’s Arm in the bucket (Called Honey Dip) Dunk. Also the “on fire” look to things (that I rarely got) looked smooth in the new setting of this game. It also does not hurt that I own a 45” Sony HD TV and this game supports that.
Audio: Another outstanding job here for EA, I loved the way when the game changed tracks it showed it on the bottom of the screen. The announcing is not annoying its fun like the game. There are all the accoutrements here to make this another area of the game that one can marvel at. Also it did not hurt that I have a killer sound system and the XB owns in this area.
Suggestions: Keep on keeping on. You are so on the right track with this title now all that needs to happen is for it to support custom sound tracks and XBL.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10