Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 4
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The

Gameplay: The gameplay has made an improvement sense "Elder Scrolls 3". The controls are smoother than ever, but their is still problems. For instants, when you walk up or down any stair case you appear to be floating. Also after a while this game gets extremely repetitive, so watch out. But on a positive note, the fighting is much more realistic than it was in "Elder Scrolls 3". Also you can cast spells on command, thats right all you mage fans. You won't have make ten attempts just to cast one spell.
Graphics: I must say that the visuals in the game are outstanding. This is the most beautiful game that I have ever seen. This game also has it's own weather system, including rain, snow, cloudy, and clear skys, also the weather changes depending on the area of which you are located. Not to mention an incredible sun rise and sun set. This game also displays it's own array of stars and planets. All of these things just add to the endless beauties of this game. I guarantee that the visual aspects of this game will blow you away.
Audio: The sound in this game was remarkable, it made a tremendous improvement. Including a wonderful soundtrack that is played throughout the game. Unlike "Elder Scrolls 3", the sound in this game is crystal clear, and because of the music it is rather enjoyable.
Suggestions: Yes, I do have one suggestion for the developer of this game. The lock pick design, I'm sorry to say is down right awful! It is by far the worst design that I personally have ever come across. Please do us all a favor and do not put that same design in the "Elder Scrolls 4" expansion, or the next "Elder Scrolls" game.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10