Average Overall Score Given: 5.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Peter Jackson's King Kong

Gameplay: Gameplay wasn't bad. It was hard too aim and you couldn't really do anything except follow a certain path.
Graphics: There was alot of hype for this game about how great the graphics were, but I was far from impressed.
Audio: Not bad, the music went well with the game, but the voice acting was horrible and annoying most of the time.
Suggestions: Don't make games after movies!
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is great, there are few flaws and best of all it is just an easy game to play. Great But!!!
Graphics: Graphics aren't the greatest, but they do show off alot of the 360s power, especially when you see 100s of people on screen.
Audio: Sound is pretty cool. The music goes well with the game, but the sound effects aren't the best. It's not bad though!
Suggestions: The use of several different characters were great, but you could have included more. I was hoping to play as the demon guy at the end, also the other wizards you saw thoughout the game. Try to make a better story for the game. It's so easy to just make a good VS evil game, don't make it complicated with the sun/moon story that was being devided or whatever that was, just stick with the basics.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10