Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 2
Madden NFL 07

Gameplay: i think it was really nice how they put live audibles in the gameplay really nice very nice and the facial details on the players
Graphics: what they did with the graphics just utterly "PwnsU" i was in awe once i got this game i fell in love i was a addict from day one and belive me im not letting go for a long time play all pro so no hard feelings to the people who play rookie or pro. But i do give props to the people that play all madden. tried it once but i got my butt kicked 5.0 for this one
Audio: sounds were kinda iffy this one was border 5.0 and 4.5 to repettetive i didnt like it that much because you know it gets old once you hear Me number one all day non stop from the players at least... 10 times
Suggestions: Nope got nothing
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10