Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
NBA Ballers

Gameplay: Its basically NBA street vol.2 (action and style oriented) except its 1 on 1 and you get to pimp up your character with all sorts of ghetto chic accessories. . . oh yea, the controls are pretty solid too. . .
Graphics: wow. . . The players look amazing. . . lol they look so god !&%$@#* real that i was scared they'd come out of the TV and kick my !&%$@#* on my driveway court. . .
Audio: meh, bounce bounce, grunt, swish. . . its the same as any other b-ball game. . . i didn't really notice the music at all
Suggestions: hrmm, i can't really suggest anything except maybe let us do 2 on 2 or something. . .
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10