MEMBER PROFILE FOR predatorprime
Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 631
Burnout Revenge

No Licienced vehicles, so no problems with showing car damage. Easily the fastest racing game ever made
Gameplay: Extemely fast cars make for extremely sensitive controls. Not bad but takes so getting used to if you have never played any of the other Burnout games, or if you a hard core Forza fan
Graphics: Amazing, the motion blur on the cars give you a true sense of speed and the damage on the cars is a realistic as it could be in an arcade racer. The only thing preventing me from giving it a 5 is that the cars are a little bland in design.
Audio: Car sounds are very good. Soundtrack is the typical EA music where you either love it or you don't. Personally I hook up my iPod and listen to that instead. Can't really take that away from the game as its just musical taste.
Suggestions: Try to make the cars a little more exciting, and more original. Also, don't port the next Burnout...please. Just make a next gen one all on its own
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10