Average Overall Score Given: 9.25000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 10
Toejam and Earl 3: Mission To Earth

Gameplay: irritating and pointless. I had no idea what was going on, ever!!!
Graphics: It wasn't bad, I liked the splitscreen thing it did, but that was about it. You could tell this game was originally for DC.
Audio: irritating voice overs that say the same thing over and over again. I didn't like the music at all, even though I'm a huge funk fan.
Suggestions: Well, if the fans like it, I say don't change it. this is just the opinion of person who doesn't like games like this. I guess my only suggestion is to make another JSRF game. THAT GAME RULES!!!
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Gameplay: Controls are excellent. Multiplayer is fun. I wish there were more maps and mor mechs in a game. I'd also like to see an improved storyline. Overall, both single and multiplayer are very, very nice.
Graphics: Excellent. The models are top notch. The explosions are amazing, I luv destroying building and stuff.
Audio: Also amazing. Whether a Microsoft game is fun or not, you know the technical side of it will always be top notch.
Suggestions: Make more maps for multiplayer to keep it interesting. Make it so that more than 8 mechs can be in a multiplayer game. Make the sequel without a campaign and have it strictly multiplayer games a la Unreal Championship. That way, you can focus on the online part of it, which is it's strong point. Very good game though.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: It's THE perfect stealth action game. Everything is perfectly balanced and fun.
Graphics: It has the best graphics of any Xbox game on earth, therefore is has the best graphics of any game on earth as of right now. Don't destroy this game by porting it to another system!
Audio: Although the sound is minimal, it's perfectly suited for the game. Music by Crystal Method is perfectly implemented at the right moments to make yur adrenaline flow. Voice overs are a little strange though.
Suggestions: Improve the voice acting and in game cutscenes for the sequel and it will be perfect. Also, make sure this game stays Xbox exclusive. This bad boy's a system seller!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: so much fun....
Graphics: Not quite as good as UT2003, but it doesn't detract from the immersion
Audio: very nice indeed...
Suggestions: with UC 2, work on the framerate a tiny bit and spice up the graphics a little bit.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Combat is good and challenging, I like the druid and the halfling the best.
Graphics: Stunning! Never have I seen such good textures and models in such a high action game. When you shoot an arrow, it actually sticks in the enemy right where you shot it!!
Audio: Sound is good, nothing special. I really love the music though, very excellent score.
Suggestions: put in multiplayer, little bit of balancing to do.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Really fun, the atmosphere is great and the action is hot. I'm having a blast with this one!!
Graphics: top notch, shadowing, character models, and effects are very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Audio: Not the best, but very good. The music is a little random sometimes, but fitting.............
Suggestions: make a sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: great, a real challenge
Graphics: awesome, graphics are next gen
Audio: really good
Suggestions: make it a little easier for all these wussy asses who don't like challenges
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Fun, Fun, Fun, Controls are responsive, takes a little time to get used to it though
Graphics: Breathtaking, everything can be destroyed, it's the best part of the game
Audio: really good, all the crashing noises are awesome
Suggestions: multiplayer co-op, more game play modes
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: fun, love the emphasis on puzzle solving rather than combat
Graphics: nice, not awesome, but nice. Well, it is better than the PS2 version
Audio: AWESOME, if you don't have surround sound, you're missing the game
Suggestions: make more replay value, and should have made the graphics better
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: I won't bore you with words, simply the best!!!
Graphics: I won't bore you with words, simply the best!!!
Audio: I won't bore you with words, simply the best!!!
Suggestions: Halo 2 with More bad guys, more weapons, more vehicles, longer missions, and of course, ONLINE PLAY!!!. Even I'm very glad that you let gamespy put Halo online, it's really awesome!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: controls take some getting used to, but I hade no problem with them at all. Gamespeak is really nice with the pressure sensitive buttons
Graphics: good, very good, especially for a series that has always been 2D.
Audio: quiet, with some good ambient sound. This is a game that doesn't need to constantly pump out techno or punk rock music to keep you going
Suggestions: make the environments resemble the ones from the old games a little more. Those were more intimidating and vast looking. And tighten the controls just a little.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10