Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind

Gameplay: The gameplay is the heart and soul of this game. It controls like Halo and has much more action than your ordinary Rpg. This game would appeal to even non-Rpg gamers. The battle system is great and the skills and spells are impressive. Anyone would love this game!
Graphics: The graphics are not quite as good as I hoped but are still respectable and have a certain flair to them. The models are nice but there is still some slowdown and frame rate issues. At times the game is gorgeous andd at times it is clunky. Good overall though.
Audio: Sound is probably the weakest part of this masterpiece. While not horrible by any means it just doesnt amaze at all. The grunts and coughs are average and doesnt push the Xbox at all. Not bad but improvable.
Suggestions: I only have a few suggestions to the developers. Number One: Make another one! However better sound and graphics would help, as would custom races so that you can design your own races. But this is an amazing game all in all.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: This is a mixed bag. On one hand the gameplay is tight and addictive. On the other hand, after a while it may get repetitive. The camera is also, only average. However the control system is very innovative, you can run one way and cast a spell another with its unique dual analog stick control.
Graphics: The graphics in Nigtcaster are pretty but not anything the Dreamcast wouldnt be able to handle. The world is nice but... from what Ive seen so far is kinda dark. The spells are very nice to see but still not spectacular visually.
Audio: The music in Nihtcaster is very nice. It adjusts depending on whats happening but nothing really stands out though.
Suggestions: They made a nice game. Just tone down the difficulty and umber of enemies a bit. Brighten up the graphics and make it slightly less frantic.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10