Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Genma Onimusha

Gameplay: The game play on this game is kind of awkward at first but after 1/2 an hour or so the controls get easier to deal with. My problem lies in the fact that I play Halo so much I keep wanting to use the analog stick to move with. The battle for the green souls can be very frustrating especially when you are fighting multiple enimies. If they get the green soul first they will become more powerful. This can be a problem when 2 or 3 weeker demons suddenly turn red and start raging on your outnumbered ass. When your character has 5 green souls saved up you can hit the black and white buttons and become invincible for a short time, this is good when up against multiple opponents. Mostly aggresive hacking and slashing will get you through but learning how to use the block button, though difficult, is worth the effort for the later levels.
Graphics: Are you kidding, this is what I bought the Xbox for. The graphics on this game kick ass. End of story...
Audio: Good enough for a video game. While there have been better soundtracks and effects in games, those present in this game will not disappoint you. I would suggest leaving the Japanese voices on with English subtitles. It makes for a more authentic experience.
Suggestions: Lose the set camera and go to a free moving camera that can be adjusted on the fly (Mario 64 style)
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10