Total Reviews: 3
Average Overall Score Given: 6.33333 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 79


Overall: I'm positive someone just grabbed a very basic game engine, added some textures and a few cut-sequences, and put it up for sale. This was never designed to be a blockbuster game, so it achieves it's goal without being a total train wreck. It's not bad for what it is, which is a simple movie themed game.

If you can pick it up used, it's an okay way to waste some time and get some easy gamer points, but you're never going to be enthralled by it.

Gameplay: I have to give them credit for introducing a totally different way to play the game. In Jumper, the XYBA buttons are used to pick which direction you attack from. This is quite different, and does take a little bit to get used to (since it's unlike any other game).

Ironically, it's that same innovative feature that gets annoying. There will be plenty of times you'll swear you pressed the button - and I believe you, 'cause I know I pressed it more times than the game believed I did.

During some battles, you end up jumping around so much you can loose track of where you are (I know, it seems silly, but you're dressed like the bad guys, and if you hold in the left trigger it tells you who you're jumping in next, not who you're attacking, so it's easy to loose yourself)

There's no jump, crouch, or defend actions, so you're gonna have to make do with just attacking, walking, or sliding/rolling. And just for the record, your character tends to pause a moment before he starts walking away, so you end up getting beat up if try to attack once and run away, so never try to "run" away from a bad guy until you knock him down.

Graphics: It was the disappearing floors that ticked me off the most. In a couple of locations, they used a wire mesh floor, but because the texture was only 1 pixel high, the floor seemed to disappear unless you angled the camera up (so you looked down on the floor). Most of the other visuals are pretty good, so overall it was okay - but not stunning.

I was annoyed that the bad guys were all dressed the same (I guess the hence men union must have implemented a uniform policy).

Audio: Sometimes the character will spurt off a cute one-liner - which is fine, but the timing always seemed poor. He'd start rattling off in the middle of a fight, which always seems odd. And often he'd end up saying the same things over and over again. (which gets a little dry)

Suggestions: It would have been nice if they spent a little more time refining the game engine. There were a few bugs that got annoying (like falling through the stairs), or the complete lack of save points.

Overall Score: 6.5 / 10 Looney Tunes: ACME Arsenal

Overall: The defects in this game make it probably one of the worst games I've ever played - if not the worst. It won't take long to find things about this game you're gonna hate - because trust me, there's a lot wrong with this game. Probably the first major annoyance is the options menu that forgets what you selected last time - even though it saves something to the hard drive. How that's possible, I have no idea.

Some things to NOT look forward to in this game are: camera angles that suck horribly, characters that fall through the map into crevices you can't get out of, overly dark levels, and hiccups where the main boss (for a level) isn't there so you can't finish the level.

The only redeeming aspect of the entire game is that IF you can suffer through all the annoyances, it's an easy way to earn yourself at least 660 game points.

Gameplay: There are so many things wrong/wonky with the game engine and actual game play, it's hard to decide what to write about. I'd have to say my number one beef with the game play is the camera. It always seemed like the camera was in the wrong spot. I even had one scenario were the camera was behind a door (that closed), causing me the jump around blindly until the camera managed to find it's way into the room.

All the characters in the game have exactly the same moves. That means Bugs, Daffy, and even Taz all perform the exact same moves when you press the same buttons - that gets pretty dull after awhile.

Graphics: The visuals are nothing special. They're not horrible, but at the same time they're not great. I expected better, but wasn't surprised when it wasn't. I found many of the indoor levels far too dark - to the point where I had to adjust the picture settings on my TV to make it brighter. On a scale of 1 to 10, the graphics were a 4.

Audio: How a game got made, and out the door with sounds as bad as this is beyond me. The volume on the cut sequences is vastly different than that in the game. And nothing in the game is that great. You'd kinda expect it to use some great lines from the cartoons, but it really only has a few lines, used over and over and over again.

Suggestions: Other than firing everyone that made this game, the next best solution would be to have those guys play some games developed by anyone else. Maybe then they'd see what a good game should be like.

Overall Score: 4.5 / 10 Voodoo Vince

Overall: This is a simple game, but it's still worth playing - if you enjoy trying something different for a change.

Gameplay: All the controls worked well. I had problems with spinning after a double jump, but that's probably just related to my hands not listening to what my brain says.

The game started out really fun, but some of the later levels seemed rushed. The last one for example seems silly and pointless.

Graphics: For what it is, the graphics were nice enough. Occasionally you find yourself wishing they would have fancied it up a little more.

Audio: The sound was decent. The "lines" the characters said in the cut-scenes lacked emotion - as if they were reading their lines off a large cue-card. And Vince's one-liners - while funny - were limited. I think he had maybe a dozen one-liners. It would have made sense to have 3 or 4 times as many.

Suggestions: A sequel would be fine. Just make sure you have lots more funny one-liners for Vince to say, and try to make the puzzles a little more realistic.

Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

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