Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 837
Fatal Frame

Anyway, I am glad I've got hold of this as it is an excellent purchase
Gameplay: This game is really scary it all starts out in black and white and then turns into colour as you go though the game, where in most games your given guns, flame-thowers etc, etc in this one your a little girl trying to find out what happened to her brother and all she has to protect herself is a camera
I think the thing about this game
is that you will be absorbed into it I've played it for sometime now and I know I've been there, this it is really spooky and is a definite purchase for someone whose looking for horror/puzzle game
I would like to mention that this game was based on a true story
Graphics: The graphics in this game are sharp and solid, the ghost and the characters all play there part, in reference to the games graphics looking like RE it's a hit and miss affair here as the graphic in FF do look like CGI (shame the girl hasn't got a shadow) but you can't really compare them to the Gamecubes RE as in the Gamecubes RE they've made them look like real characters where in FF they don't....sort of
Anyway graphically it is beautiful
the 4.5 is for the girl not having a shadow
Audio: GREAT if you've got constipation this will help you poo your pants the sound is great especially if you listening to it in surround sound, I'm telling you you'll be jumping this way and that as you play the game I can't tell you to much about this as if your going to buy it you'll soon find out why
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10