Average Overall Score Given: 5.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 3
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance

Gameplay: The problem with the game play with this title has to be the limited aspect of the camera. It seems a large amount of Japanese 3D 3rd person action titles do not let you look up and down or 360 degerees around your character(dead to rights, Genma Onimusha, Metal gear Solid, Resident evil, After Dark). With games like Max Payne, Splinter Cell and Hitman2 I have no patience for the limited sight problem.
Graphics: The graphics are top notch. The resolution seems a bit low at time because the game actually controls the camera. But if graphics is what you are looking for then this is the game to get. However, there are better in the XBOX library.
Audio: The sound is pretty good. I have a home theater system and I really have not found too many faults in sound in any game I have played yet.
Suggestions: The game has potential but with the limited camera control in comparison to its peers is unacceptable. To all Japanese game makers. If you are making a 3rd person action shooter you must make the camera 360 and up and down. If not this only makes sight of your own limitation in developing a game. Follow the views of Max Payne, Splinter Cell, Buffy, Hitman 2. (Up and down and all around.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is pretty good. The jumps are well done. The only problem is 1) you tend to collide with objects if you do not completely jump over them. In other words you have to give yourself distance for the smallest obstacles. 2) The camera is very good except for the camera controled by the right thumb controller which tends to stop working when Soo is in a place where it is either narrow or his back is to the wall. The good part however is this does not really ruin the game play when you are fighting other characters. The weapons that are hung on his back can be smartly equipped on the fly. He can carry anywhere from your chinese type of old time gun to a slew of hand weapons (these hand weapons you can find on any of your old and new kungfu movies such as the kid with the golden arm, 5 deadly venoms, etc...)The speacial moves and various attacks that can be performed with the different weapons are right on point.
Graphics: Okay at fiest I thought that the graphics were okay. However, the more I played the game the more the 3D worlds detail got better. I will say though the way the characteres talked seemed a bit cheesey because you could see there mouth break up at times. When you beat the first boss and take his axe, just look at the detail in the axe when he totes it on his back, simply put MAGNIFICENT.
Audio: I have a 5.1 surround system and I really got impressed when I escaped from prison and noticed a cannon just sitting along the snow. So I approached the cannon and sat in and shot. WOW did that rock my woofers. The bass literally knocked me off of my seat. I do not think though it would sound good with a TV setup, depending on what type of TV you have. The musical score fith the game very well and sounded pretty good. Althought the music cut on and off when it very well pleased.
Suggestions: I think they should 1) fix the quirky camera and take some notes from the Max Payen engine. 2) Clean up the graphics a bit and eliminate some draw in. 3) Add a multi player feature where a second person can take his or her pick of your most interesting characters.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10