Total Reviews: 3
Average Overall Score Given: 7.66667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1948

Jet Set Radio Future

Overall: this game is something new and refreshing...cell shading is something cool imo,it really gets boring when ya see games looking all alike unlike this game it looks like no other on the xbox and if you liked jet grind radio for dc your gonna love this one even more...i have lots of fun with this game

Gameplay: the game play i thought was very far one of the best xbox games to come out...the skatting the spraying the grinding...everything about it is just FUN

Graphics: being cell shaded makes it look amazing....for all those who said..."why couldnt they make it alittle more 3dish" well its cell shaded its not out to look like the other games...this is how the game is suppose to look like...i like the cartoony look....sometimes it just gets tiring playing games where makers make it look so realstic...i like something new that puts me in a whole new world not one that i can step outside and it resembles the realistic looking game im playing but something new and different something i cant experience anywhere else...get use to it guys,theres tons more cell shaded games heading our way...and i have no prob with that...i think its a cool effect

Audio: i thought the music was excellent...close to the original jet grind radio for the dc...which was also great...i do agree some of the songs are different and silly but it fits well with jsrf...its the type of music where ya cant get out of your it

Suggestions: loved every bit of it but what would of been cool was being able to play online...imagine having online gangs something like clans running the streets spraying,racing,grinding in a jsrf world...competing against eachother to see who the top gang in tokyo is and having clan members becoming traders to join another that sounds cool!

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Azurik: Rise of Perathia

Overall: doesnt appeal to me really....i expected way better then this from an xbox of the worst xbox games can put this along side kabuki warriors...yes!..its that bad

Gameplay: the actual gameplay is average i guess...the type of game where ya go running around swinging something hitting bad guys and all that good stuff but this game happens to get dull after doing it over and over again...nothing amazing

Graphics: the graphics are the only thing alright about the game....but thats sometimes...the only nice thing i seen is the ice and lava everything else looked average....and under the water is horrible...the way he swims is so hokey..very stiff..geez...the guy from jungle hunt moved smoother then this blue guy...and the enemy models are can tell the game makers did not put any time making them...the way they move the way they look its just bad...i could of made up way better enemy models then they did

Audio: another disappointment....the music hear the same !&%$@#* song over and over and over and over again...its looping..another freaking lazy job by the game makers

Suggestions: umm...if your gonna make games please take your time and stop wasting our money on games as poor as this...its a waste of dvd disc...a waste of plastic....a waste of earths natural resource...stop wasting petroleum our oil for games like this and our electricity....and anybody who gave ratings above a 2 must be on crack...and how dare you compare this game to zelda and even soul reaver...doesnt even come close...zelda looked,felt,sounded 100 times better and was 500 times a better game then this...honestly,no joking around....dont buy this game..your probably better off buying shriek

Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

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