Average Overall Score Given: 7.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Overall: It sounds like it would be awesome to play the PS2's best selling game on the XBox. It's got new VR missions and playable characters (which you can only play as in the VR missions).
Gameplay: I suppose either because it's a port from the PS2 or because the gameplay is just so darn fun, the gameplay is un-changed from it's PS2 counter-part. It's simple gameplay. Sneak around, don't get caught, kill some people. The only thing I don't like is the shooting. There's really no auto-aim in MGS2: Substance so most of the time you're forced to use a first-person view mode to shoot people up. I have no problem with first-person views it's just that in MGS2:S you can't move while in first person view. The black & white buttons on the controller are un-used too, which once you play it seems that the inventory screens could benefit freom their use. Other than those few, minor problems with the gameplay, MGS2:S till keeps great, fun gameplay.
Graphics: I'm a little dis-appointed in the visuals department. The graphics are direct ports from the PS2 played at a higher resolution. I feel that Konami could have improved the visuals a lot but they chose not to do so. Even though, I feel, the visuals could have been a lot better on XBox, the higher resolution does add a new crispness from the original MGS2 and the original graphics were looking great. Graphics are mediocre when compared to what they could be on XBox but they're still good.
Audio: The sound is a different version of the same thing from the visual. The sound is just sound unless you have a Dolby compatible surround system. The sound that your character hears is directionally transmitted to your speakers to give the feeling you're Snake or Raiden. I really enjoy the sound. If you've ever played a game with surround sound, then you know what I'm talking about. If you don't have surround sound, however, the sound gets old and you'll probably mute your TV and play some music on your stereo or something like that. The surround sound is great. I don't understand why more game don't use surround sound. I'm glad this one did.
Suggestions: Could've improved the graphics higher than MGS2:SOL. Now what do we XBox fan-boys have to brag about with out MGS2? VR missions. Well, that is pretty good, too.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10