Average Overall Score Given: 7.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1
Wreckless: The Yakuza Mission

Gameplay: game play appeal is stunning.. I rated a 5 because U can go just about anywhere, and run around wrecking stuff. Makes the Game very fun and addicting.
Graphics: Visuals... what can I say, They went beside them selves to make the game visually, very good. Real car damage, and Great visuals in the instant replays make the game. I love it.
Audio: the sound is really good, but they could have used different phrazes for the begining or level talking when you finished a task...gets a little repeditive. would have liked to see the sountrack feature.
Suggestions: sound track feature...and more tracks on the original sountrack..
and the ability to hit people. and have them go flying acrost the screen.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play is superb. That is the 1 thing I can gladly say is the best about the game. It's easy to learn the controls, and once you do it's really fun. One major flaw is the Fighting. Hocky isnt fun without a good fight, and the fighting is very cheesy. I would have liked to see much more fighting options. Another flaw that they could have fixed is the realism. It's hard to really get into the game cause you don't feel like your there. But the over all game play other then those flaws is very good.
Graphics: Visual appeal. EA sports need to a better job. The graphics are fluid, but are no where near to the X-Box's potential. One thing I noticed, it's hard to make a good audience, and although it looks good, the people are flat at times. I wish there were more camera options to choose from too that take you closer to the players and maybe a first person mode you can unlock would be interesting. The visual appeal is one of the major flaws of the game. It's alright, if you like the game for the gameplay like I do.
Audio: Sound.. The game's sound is pretty good but some of the commentary can be very annoying and stupid at times, but you can turn that off so it's no big issue. Music is nice. Sum 41, Barenaked Ladies, and a couple others. Would have like to have seen more songs put into it, and maybe a little better sound.. maybe dolby surround. Othen then these minor things, the game's sound is good.
Suggestions: Again.. a graphics upgrade is needed... the fighting is horrible, needs a major fix. They might need to spice up the options menu a little add some more camera angles.
Also, fix some of the commentary. Add a few more tracks and sounds.
The game would be exellent.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10