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Total Reviews: 3
Average Overall Score Given: 7.66667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 38

Spider-Man 2

Overall: I found this game at first shocking, bad graphics terrible sound badly based voice acting, horrible dynamic lighting and most of all Spiderman had no calf muscles in his leg, well I was ready to cry and just dump the game now but no I stuck through and boy am I happy! you will find out later but first im doing an overall so where should I start? Your Spiderman you live in New York your job to stop all crimes even the smallest like saving balloons for 4 year old children, the game starts off with a little intro to the city and Spiderman and some minor details about himself, the game give's you the full Spiderman experiance there is nothing missed from the game nor is there in the gameplay. Many peep's were unsure about this game they had no real news on it and it came out of no-where some people really trust Activision but I have had my eye on them ever since Spiderman 2: Elctro witch was a waste of my money even if it was on the PS1 I found it rubbish and very liner, this game was supposed to give you GTA gameplay where you did what you want and see what you want they did not lie, the whole of New York is open to you and its MASSIVE no joke it is really big I climbed up the highest building I could and I could see for ages even the Statue of liberty is in here but its a secret how to get there :). Although the game could have been much more better and more effective in the Spiderman expereince it is still an amazing game, gameplay wise.

Gameplay: The gameplay is fantastic web-slinging has been updated it is now more real there is no more shooting webs at the sky and sticking onto the sun or the moon you have to be below and near enouth to a sky scraper or large building to web swing it feels so real, there is nowhere you can go the area is massive im talking bigger than GTA3 islands put togeather! There are the missions and Side missions I will start about the side missions first as there a bit irratating after awhile. Ok your Spiderman and you hear a girl shout for help first thing that passes your mind is rape or even kidnapping you dash over there quickly just to find she has let go of her Pink balloon and wants it back so you climb the building to the top and jump up to grab this balloon just to give it to a little girl... yeh amazing or even why not Pizzaman! Go deliver Pizzas for the pizza shop sounds cool huh?!?! it is funny and fun to begin with but it quickly get boring but there are some decent side missions witch involve the normal stuff so I dont need to explain. The main mission are really long and quite challenging and different but very fun, I was shocked at the difficulty and the skill you need to do the missions I was so happy when I got the first mission complete, also it is impossable to do the game with out buying upgrades, buy these upgrades with hero points you gain heropoints for doing the side missions, great gameplay I am so happy I own this game!

Graphics: Nothing speachil althouth the graphic's seem to get more better as the game progresses it is really wierd! the clouds in the sky are rubbish looks like my sister did it blind folded useing her feet to chop the paper to look like clouds, not impressed and the clip scenes are awful at the beggining but really do seem to get better as the game progresses!

Audio: Annoying and very stressing when your on a hard part and all you can hear are bag pipes, although the helicopters sound real....!

Suggestions: Great game just could have worked on the visuals and the sound but still a great game! bring on the next Spiderman I am sure you will have it next time! I have written this reveiw sick at 4:21am so if there is any spelling misakes or lack of information just email me or PM me.

Overall Score: 8.0 / 10 Freedom Fighters

Overall: I bought this game when I got my Xbox on March 13th 2004, the game started of quite good you got to learn the controls and find the main plot of the game but for some strange reason the game plot did not seem to thicken it was the same thing over and over again but in different backgrounds and locations. The characters were not very well thought off and seemed to slack in the story for there reason in being there, this is how the story starts off, Your brother has been taken so you save him and then suddenly you turn quickly into this mad patriot freedom fighter dying to kill for the sake of your country, many people would do that but the game seems to stay on the same level of difficulty I completed it on hard two days afterwards and I was not very happy with the ending at all, this game is hyped and does not deserve the score?s that people are giving it.
Anyhow the main game is very simple it is 3D person shooter and you have a gun and you kill soviets with the guns, you do get objectives or should I say objective in every level is to hoist a flag over the soviets, it sounds easy and the game is you run shoot and its impossible to die unless there is a tank or a helicopter presence when your running around shooting and you get this challenge about 3 times in the whole game, the only good thing about the game is you get other men that follow your orders .Y. is to make them attack a certain enemy your facing or to scout ahead, .X. is to make them follow you and .B. is to make them defend the area you are in, if you hold any of the buttons down for a short period all of your men will do the action you pressed. The game as I said once before is over rated and is not at all a challenge maybe good for a starter to get used to the Xbox controls but apart from that it?s a another game just badly created. But I must admit the multiplayer on this game is really appealing to everyone and I played the multiplayer the other night for about 4 hours, pure enjoyment!

Gameplay: Single Player as I said before is boring and probably the most eruptive game I have played during my Xbox and PS2 console playing, the main game play at first is really good but unfortunately bores quickly sometimes I look at it and remember the fun I had for that first 45 mins of playing and I pop the disk in, it is never there it more or less been there done that, your team mates you order about have AI of zilch they run into cars shoot walls and they never throw grenades or speak apart from when you recruit them, your player changes over the game and that?s the best bit off the game just wondering what your character will look like after you have beaten that stupid level, also everyone knows winter levels are crap so what do they do make the last two mission winter level?s I was crying I hate winter levels I rather kill at night or in a day I don?t mind rain levels but winter is crap just an excuse to use white so they don?t take up space on the disk, the single player is dumb and overrated the people who rate this game over my mark need to buy more games and find out what a good 3D person shooter is all about! The multiplayer as I must agree is brilliant if this game was Xbox live and had the same multiplayer this game could be the best, you get charge of your own team your opponent get a team of its own, very intense, the multiplayer mode is where you have to make sure you keep a base and if you get a base and if a man dies you go to your base and get another one, the way to win is to hoist a flag up in the middle of the map for a short period of time and you win unless the other team takes your down and puts there?s up, very good multiplayer and yet so simple the best part in this game.

Graphics: Bright, detailed and is nice to look at, just a shame the game as let them down, it feels like the producers tryed to hide the gameplay under the graphics but I have seen better and they failed anyhow.

Audio: Voice acting is rubbish they talk and the sound plays about 2 seconds after, the music is alright and lightens the game up a notch but nothing special.

Suggestions: Dont make anouther one unless you make it live and change the AI to a better standerd, loved the multiplayer but the single player was crap, try again but I will rent next time.

Overall Score: 6.0 / 10 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow

Overall: Splinter Cell 1 was supposed to be better and more stealth like than Metal Gear Solid 2: Son?s Of Liberty, in my mind it was not worth the money it was made for, the levels long and frustrating and save points in the weirdest place! Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow is a Metal Gear Solid 2: Son?s Of Liberty beater and always will be, the levels wide and lots of things to keep you on your toe?s, although there are only 8 or 7 levels the game is still worth a buy and if you never played the first one it does not matter as this takes on a different plot to the last game, the game also has Live witch is amazing and keeps me from sleeping at night, The Live point is much more intense than the main single player game, if you have not got Live this game is worth a week rent because the single player is not very long and once you have completed the game there is not much reply value but if you were a fan of the last game you should buy this, this game is good to have In your collection and every now and then I have a bit of a play on the single player but it is never more exciting and intense from the first time you play it, a decent game an amazing game infact but more levels would have been nice. The level?s are quite liner that is why the game play value is not very high but for Splinter Cell fans will love it!

Gameplay: The game play is interesting lots of different thing?s Sam Fisher the main character can do more interesting fun things, unlike the very first Splinter Cell you gadgets are used much more and you cannot finish the game without using them at least 10 times, the levels are liner and quite short compared to the Splinter Cell 1 but have much more action and are never frustrating, don?t get me wrong the game can be a challenge for even some of hardest of hardcore gamers here at XBA on the hard mode, Sam is very smooth when moving but going up against some walls and leaning on left even a tiny bit will make Sam burst out for a second witch can get you caught, it doesn?t really affect the game but once or twice I have been annoyed, the automatic saves are much more greater than Splinter Cell 1 but many people on missions that allowed alarms just run through a quarter of the level and it saved and so they lose half the fun, there are more tricks and cool stuff can do now like opening a door with a guard on your back and shooting upside down of a horizontal bar, not much of an improvement but 10X more better than Splinter Cell 1. The Live is amazing, the Spy v Mercenary has worked very well and is so intense you can !&%$@#* yourself sometimes (not really shit your self unless you have a bad bladder), the point of the game on Live is to deactivate the virus NDI33 there are plenty of maps and each one has tons of different things to help the Spies or the Mercenaries, you can run up walls for a short certain distance to grab onto high ledges as a spies or to do a back flip, the mercenaries don?t have much stuff but they can press the A button and they burst forward punching anything in you line of site. Ubi Soft have been clever and made the Mercenaries as first person and the spies in 3rd Person view, so there something here for everyone and will keep you happy, I have been playing this game for about 4 months and I haven?t even learnt half of the Live yet your always learning new stuff and it keeps this game alive, amazing.

Graphics: The lighting affects and texture in the skin of the characters are simply some of the best I have seen since the last Splinter Cell 1 and have improved on the shadow?s and the metal, your gun is super with affects you can see the shadow on the floor and when you fire you see a bit of a spark and it make?s things more intense, the level deigns and visuals are really great on the 3rd or 4th level you are on this massive balcony and you can see for mile?s the best views I have seen in the game since Halo. The night sky is amazing and on one level you can see the sunset it looks like you are sitting on a bar in some sort of tropical place watching the sun set ready to sleep, windows have improved and the light reflects and you can see yourself in the window as you look upon your next villain victim to devour, on the 7th level its raining and the thunder and rain drops look fantastic and really makes you wish it would rain out side because you cannot believe your eyes, very detailed much more so than Rainbow Six 3 maybe Halo but I don?t think I will push it!

Audio: Nothing new from the last game, the music is just the same but the voice acting WOW amazing, some of the best voice acting I have seen in a very long time, I am just upset about the music being the same as Splinter Cell 1, but hey the rest of the game is great.

Suggestions: Great game much awaiting Splinter Cell 3, like the game although more levels and some non-liner gameplay would have been nice, the Live is amazing and I dont think it could have been better although there are a few glitches and quite a number of people abuse these, great game.

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

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