MEMBER PROFILE FOR haloaddict258
Average Overall Score Given: 9.14286 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 6
Halo 2

Gameplay: The best. Multiplayer is even more fun than before. All the new things in the game like weapons, turrets in multiplayer, and new vehicles are great.
Graphics: A few little glitches in the game like during the cutscenes but by no means affects the gameplay. Other than the few glithches the visuals are great.
Audio: Everything sounds great. The weapons and vehicles sound better than ever before. The voiceovers are great and the dialogue is also.
Suggestions: Please hurry with a 3rd.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: One of the best games ever. The gameplay is so addicting. I don't know how many times I've played slayer or done the single player campaign.
Graphics: Great graphics in this game. I love the textures on the environments and the convenant look amazing. The vehicles also look amazing.
Audio: Fantastic sound in this game. I love the sound the elites make when they're angry and the sounds the grunts make when they're scared. The weapons and vehicles also sound great.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game is very fun and there is a good variety of weapons. The boss fights are hard but really fun. My only complaint is the camera which causes trouble.
Graphics: It's a team ninja so the graphics are going to be amazing. I think they are some of the best on the xbox.
Audio: Great sound in this game.The sounds you hear during a battle are great. The sounds of the creatures you fight in this game I thought were also great.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: There is so much to do in this. I really like that they have a first person and a third person view. Being able to equip so many different items is also great.
Graphics: The graphics in this game are pretty good. But they are not on the same level of games like halo or crimson skies.
Audio: The music was ok but when I was playing the game I didn't even pay much attention to it. This game definitely eats up a lot of time.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls are very easy to get the hang of. The whole game was just an amazing experience and the whole story behind the game is great.
Graphics: Great graphics in this game. I love the effects they added to the water and the sand. And all the characters in the game are very well designed
Audio: In my opinion this game had great sound. In fact in one part of the game you have to listen to the sounds to get to the next part of the game.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Once again I just got bored with the game and thought it was a big waste of time. It felt to me like you spent a lot of time walking aimlessly.
Graphics: The graphics weren't too bad. But they were not anything spectacular. They are not quite as good as other games.
Audio: I will admit the sound in the game was pretty good but it didn't make up for the games weak points.It was easily its strongestpoint though.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls in this game are very simple making it easy just to pick up and play. I also like how the game gives you so much freedom to do what you like through out the game
Graphics: Some of the greatest visuals. The water effects are amazing and they add a great feel to the game. Of course we can't forget the plane explosions.
Audio: The sound is pretty good in this game. The sound of the weapons on your planes are really cool but listening to Nathan after a while gets really old.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10