Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 9
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow

Gameplay: When it comes to Gameplay, there are so many different ways to deal with a situation. Each level also provides you with a certain amount of gadgets to start off with, and if you are brave enough to explore enough of the levels, you may just find some extra goodies laying around for your disposal.
Graphics: The graphics are wonderfully amazing and are just a joy for the eye to behold, although there are several flaws. Even though these flaws are small, they ARE noticable. For example, once in a while the light on the back of Sam is pixelated, and once in a while (and I mean VERY rarely) the game can tend to lag (VERY RARELY). This game for some sick reason also doesn't support any special modes for video. The cut scenes are also a great way to advance from level to level, but the graphics in the cutscenes don't have that 'appeal' to them.
Audio: The sound is good. It is clear, crisp, and some of the things that the people say when they don't know you are listening in can be kind of funny at times. The downfall to that though, is that when you are spotted, or a sound is made, or a guard figures 'it must have been nothing', they always just say the same thing over and over again.
Suggestions: As for suggestions, I would have to say to fix the small glitches that appear once in a while in single player and multiplayer, provide more modes for video and audio, and maybe work on the cutscenes a bit more so they don't have that 'waxy' look to them.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10