Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
NHL 2002

Gameplay: The game play is great. Fast and full of action. It is probably the best simulation hockey game there is to date. unlike nhl hitz which is more geared toward arcade play, which is fine for those who like that type of game. But those who like to play a real game of hockey nhl 2002 is the only way to go!
Graphics: Like many others had said it seems to be a little faded compared to the pc version, the breakaway cam was a good idea. I could do with out the hit/save replay just gets anoying after the first game, but that is why you can turn that function off.
Fighting is just too quick.
Audio: I agree with the others that the commetary is real corny. Come on EA I hope you can do better than this on the nhl 2003 and what happen to importing ditties which is a feature that I enjoy on the pc version.
Suggestions: Blood? Please put blood in the next version. Fighting needs to be improved, more like nhl hitz fighting, which is the best hockey fighting game I have seen yet. update rosters with current trades in the nhl. make trading with cpu a little less one sided. over all great game guys but it's not perfect
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10