Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1

Gameplay: The controle are real easy, and open in choice of controle style. So It doesn't matter what type of controlle set-up you prefer, This game delivers. The vampire style views are the bomb.
Graphics: The graphics are very good... but again like most games that have come out for the xbox, don't really make you say "wow look at those graphics"... but It will make you say "wow that sexy vampire chic is really brutal". The full motion are nice...
Audio: I really was impressed by the sounds of this game. I just love being able to hear a nazi scream "get this b**ch off me" and hear the sounds of zombie moan as their blood runs out. As for the music, Well the music in games doesn't really touch me anymore... so the music was proper for the game. well suited but not worth mentionning unless someone ask me about it.
Suggestions: you guys should have more codes and be more specific about their uses. Games like this thrive on 0saves and codes. Plus their's defenitely a lack of chapters... What the F*ck ... I beat this game in two modes(easy and hard) in one day... my first.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is fantastic, very smooth and easy to do. It's got the same basic config of buttons as most extreme sport games. So it's an easy transition from TH4 or any similar games. Except I don't like the skids controle when using the digital pad, which works better for the arial tricks. Switching from analog to digital can get confusing at times.
Graphics: The graphics are amazing, just as most of these types. They haven't really pushed the envelope on this one. It doesn't really rival any other game out there, but it does meet the criteria. The best part of the visual, is more on the content of the visuals. mmmmm...T&A
Audio: The sounds are exactly what you'd expect from a bmx game. the sound track is good, but there seems to be a glitch in the randomness of it. Often I hear the same song play over after just minutes of play.
Suggestions: more video's avaible as you complete missions in a same level. I completed a number of the mini-quest intra-level, and I feel shafted at the number of rewards I've received. ...come on, gimme something that makes the repeatitiveness of a level worth while...
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10