Average Overall Score Given: 5.33333 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

Gameplay: very fun to play . the guns and stuff were really cool
i like one of the sniper rifles the most no not the one shot kill one the other one when u shot u have to reload i was like boom (reload) bang (reload) boom (reload) and i killed one of the hostages , opps
Graphics: good i guess could of improved but they were good like the dessert lvls
were fun to play and had good detials and stuff
Audio: the gun sounds were cool. really got ya in the mood to play and the commands were very cool too but there could of been more but o well good game!
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: toooooooooooo !&%$@#* ing hard to play like jesus christ i thought it would be fun to play like wow what a good looking game i gotta try it and than it goes and blows fucking dick like god man make it abit easyer to play god dammit the only thing i liked about this was the weapons and getting to use the ninja stealth and stuff that was fun
Graphics: the only good thing was the graphics in this game and the cutscence wow man they were good like in chapter 7 when u face alma or whatever her name was that was good and the other one with the big blob thing that almost eat racheal( i think thats her name?) for dinner that was cool
Audio: the sound wasnt that good at all didnt really pay attention to it while that !&%$@#* ing emiemies kept on beating me all the fucking time like i have a good character and all really good health and stuff and blah i die
Suggestions: dont much a game this crappy its to !&%$@#* ing hard to fucking play it pissed me off and made me almost brake the game
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: the game play was alright but i thought it could be more fun like have more melee weapons like throwing knifes or something? and more guns like ummm lets say a gun that shoots disks and they blow up on impact? sound good? and the camera geeze like i said in the overall description i didnt know where i was going
Graphics: good visuals man it was dark , spooky , and well good i guess
one thing they could of done here is lightin up some areas cause i was walking down a hall way and i died thanks to those fell spirits or whatever there called
Audio: good music it matched the level areas good and it was spooky i found maybe others wont but o well thats there opinion.
Suggestions: ummmm if u make another game that involves werewolfs make them controlable so i can kill people haha cause werewolfs are sooooooo cool but anyways it was a good game could of touched up on a few things but alright to play. C ya
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10