Average Overall Score Given: 9.66667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 102
Genma Onimusha

Gameplay: Game play was the same as the first one with the exception that it seemed to me that Genma Onimusha was a tad bit harder than the first one on PS2. I liked it though except for one part and for those of you who have played it you know what I?m talking about, the one thing I hate throughout the whole game is??????.The DOLL!!! I LOATHE the doll!!!!! Impossible to kill and avoid. The doll I found to be very annoying and oh,- how I wanted to kill the doll. I wanted to kill the doll so bad I could taste the demon blood dripping from my sword?? oh sorry.
Graphics: Visually it didn?t really look much better than the PS2 version, yeah it looked a little better on the XBOX to me but that is because I played the XBOX version on my PHILIPS 25? component video TV, and the PS2 version on my new (at the time) 19? regular TV (run through the RCA plugs on the VCR).
Audio: Sound on the other hand was a cool thing. On the PS2 version I had only had PCM sound that was run through my optical cable but still it was basically beefed up Dolby Prologic. Now on my XBOX I got to push my system and use it to its potential and use Dolby Digital AC3 surround?much better!!!!! I could hear where things were moving and so on!!!!
Suggestions: Well nice job on the remake and next time NO MORE DOLL or possessed objects made of porcelain!!!!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: This game is great to play and although munch is slower than molasses he can have a wheel chair!! And it is funny to see abe get hyper and run at mach 3 when he drinks the speed drink!!!
Graphics: This game looks good and when you swim in the water the reflection off of it is so good! Light reflections look good as well!! Character detail is top of the line!!!
Audio: Again I am waiting for my component video tv for christamas so that I can get the High Definition AV pack so instead of buying the Advanced AV pack I am waiting, in other words I am stuck with stero sound instead of DOLBY DIGITAL until christmas. It still sounds good though!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: I love how it plays! And the deathmatch options are fabulous, being able to edit your gametypes for muliplayer (except co-op) is very cool! But..... I was sort of disapointed when it took me exactly one week to beat it (now that I look at it I played until 1:00-2:30 a.m. everyday after i got it till i beat it) and in some parts it can be very difficult almost frustrating playing by yourself (A.I. can get WAY cheap in some situations) but id it gets to hard then have a friend help you!! And the fact that you can't save during the middle of a level when playing co-op is a bummer. Other than that this is one of the best playing games I have played, did i mention that it was always smooth gameplay with NO slowdown even when playing 4 players and 2 player co-op!!
Graphics: very good look the best I have seen! but XBOX is capable of way more! But since it is a launch title it did very good! For you who have HALO I noticed when I was on the secret cartographer level, in the building I was just messing around and I accidentally fired my AR and notice the casing from the bullet rolled down hill and you can fire a whole AR clip and see EVERY SINGLE casing from the bullets you fired and they stay there they just don't dissapear!!!! The grass could use some work, make it stand up like on tony hawk 2x instead of flat. The Warthawg jeep could use some work on the suspension detail, Maybe I am being harsh but I know that XBOX can do way more! Another thing that is cool is that you can see almost forever with no pop-in!! This is great game though and it defiantly is one of the best launch titles for a console that anyone has seen!! Also the bumpmaping took my breath away I had never been able to look at a floor or a wall and actually see REAL depth to it and armor on you and others is also great looking BUMPMAPPING IS SWEET!!! And it is so cool spining out on ice with the warthawg and seeing pieces of ice rooster tail up behing your tires, and if you shoot the ice it shatters! And The best part is when you first play halo and look up and see the other side of the ring! You just have to play this game in order to see all the sweet detail it has.
Audio: Although I haven't used my dolby digital yet it sounds GREAT even through AV hook up! It sounds so good that my PS2 which had an optical cable hookup for sound, My XBOX can compare with its AV sound!!!
Suggestions: For Halo 2 It would be way cool if you could have custom soundtracks when playing multiplayer!!!!! This is a definate MUST HAVE OPTION for Halo 2!!!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10