Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Hitman: Contracts

Gameplay: Old gameplay, reminds me Hitman 2. Not much improvement. Hitman walks funny sometimes. The Gameplay is pretty easy to master, just kill the first guy of each mission, take his clothes and you're ready to do anything. Even if the guy had long hair and you are bald, just take his clothes and you have such a nice disguise.
Graphics: Very nice visual, indeed. Pretty candy-eyed. Graphics are up to date, if you are looking for nice weather effects and weapon design, this game has this benefits.
Audio: Nice sounds, nice gun sampling and voice acting. However, the music is not that good. The sounds could be considered a little better than average.
Suggestions: just describe what the game is all about. You do not play the role of intelligence or something stealth like in splinter cell. In fact, you are a simple hitman that do the same thing mission after mission, kill that guy and get out of the place. What changes is only the location of the mission and the weapon used. Oh, also the clothing. Pretty basic, no storyline. Play this game if you like action games but don't look into something too subtle and bright.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Mafia stands out from the crowd.
Get ready for a 1930's mob style adventure game. The scenario is all about godfather and goodfellas like, just don't expect a "america's most wanted action game". Very nice game... original and addictive. Nice cutscenes, very interesting storyline. By the way : this member review has been written by a french-speaking member, be indulgent :)
Gameplay: Nice shooting, very realistic. You has to take cover and aim carefully. Feels realistic.
Driving cars is a pain, good since cars at this period of history probably had such a bad handling. It adds to the game difficulty and realism. Don't listen to people comparing about mafia's bad driving, it just couldn't fit a grand theft auto driving style, it is not the ambiance of the game.
Another interesting thing is the gameplay camera, it is very good.
Graphics: Not the best, not the worst. However, don't expect me to put a bad score on graphics. How many games out there are just eye-candy but are plain no-fun? Well, mafia
ain't eye-candy but it is a big fun
to play anyway! If you want a bad visual game, just try tenchu return from darkness! THAT good would get a 3.0-3.5 on 5, but not mafia...
Audio: Very nice soundtrack, big band jazz from the 1930's, installs a good atmosphere for the game. nice gun sampling, for the cars too. Voice sampling is also cool, good quality voice acting with the italian accents and such. Voice acting sounds cool and not
Suggestions: Humm... less driving, more strategy in the adventure game. Probably more than one way to complete a "mission". Also, maybe a little less linear but not as grand theft auto which makes this other game too much "arcade type".
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10