Average Overall Score Given: 7.80000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 40

Gameplay: The controls take a little getting used to. THQ changed the controls around from N64s No Mercy and Wrestlemania2000. There is no strong or weak grapples and its easier to counter enemies. This game is the only game for the xbox that I had trouble with the controllers size. Also it's easier to pull off special moves as it was in No Mercy. I just wish they put a story mode in it.
Graphics: Right when you turn the game on you are blown away by the games closeness to a real Raw Tv broadcast. The wrestlers act just like their television counterparts. When I was playing it my mom walked in and said " i didn't know wrestling was on at this time of day." The graphics even fooled my dad as well. It could have been better if they just added story mode.
Audio: The music sounds perfect. Just like in real life. When you pick up a chair and smack it off of a person it sound clear. The only set back in the sound department is some songs you can heard an echo. The sound could be better if THQ lets the players put in their own music.
Suggestions: Story mode and new wrestlers. Backstage and crowd accesibility too. Announcers as well.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls are like any other RE game. Some parts in the game you have to mash the buttons so hard you break the controller, like I did. The main character Samonosuke can turn on a dime. You shouldn't have any trouble with the controls.
Graphics: The background and the CG movies are great. The only thing that is a hold back in this game is the camera angles. Sometimes you get slashed up by demons around the corner and you can't see them.
Audio: The sound is awesome. The orchestra based music and voice overs fit the game perfectly. The slashing and stabbing sounds real as well.
Suggestions: More puzzels and get rid of the annoying doll
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls are a sinch. It's the same hold button and then press another to shoot kind of controls. The characters are easy to controll. And it's easy to do everything.
Graphics: Awesome just awesome the graphics are supurb. The best in any game I've played ever. The people look real even when not in CG. The enemies are lame I just don't think that they are scary enough. (Except for Pyramid guy) The things that scare you are the sounds, sights, and shadows. You see one thing at a moment and then its gone the next, Very freaky. The camera angles are in great spots, they don't interfere with any sight.
Audio: The best. No one can compare their sound to this game. Creaks and cracks when you walk scare you. If you want a game to scare you rent or buy this game.
Suggestions: Make scarier monsters
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls are a bit awkward. To pull off a big trick you would need three hands, its almost impossible. So you have to settle for the normal 360 nose grab instead of a 1080 mute backflip.
Graphics: The grapics are mind-boggling. From the snow to the mountains in the foreground. The other snowboarders that go down the hill at the same time as you do interact with you I you crash into them and same with the camera men. Snow falls from trees when you crash into them and your clothes wrinkle when you bend and do tricks on the board.
Audio: The music is great, but the music that was pre-loaded into the game is by people that you've probably never heard of before. Unlike Tony Hawk and Dave Mirra who have Rage against the Machine and Sublime. But its better when you upload song by yourself you can enjoy them more and the one button track change is convenient as well.
Suggestions: Just make the controls better.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Controlling Azurik is easy but you have to keep on pulling the left trigger to center the camera. The camera is difficult to work with. Azurik doesn't jump high or far and the jump button is in an awkward place. Azurik has 3 basic moves with his weapon, he can jab, sweep, and use an overhead pound when he jumps. It gets boring after awhile when all you do is jab at an enemy and it takes forever to kill a big enemy. Combining the elemental powers is stupid as well. You need to memorize the combinations to certain powers to knock down a certain wall or defeat a certain enemy.
Graphics: The graphics are O.K. in this game the waterfalls and lava flows look real and so does Azurik. The people in the town of Perathia have the same features. There is a man a woman and a girl and all they do is run up to you and say "Azurik" or "We need your help. It would be fun to stab them but you can't. The enemies that Azurik encounter seem to move in slow motion manner once you first look at them and when you stab them there is no blood just a spark.
Audio: I thought that the music was great. It sounded like and Indiana Jones or a Star Wars movie. The only problem was that during the game you couldn't hear the music as well. It seemed to be just in the background but if you put your ear up to the speaker you could hear it. The voices of the characters were decent. The old wizards voice who guided you through the game sounded great and so did the main enemy Balthazar. But when Azurik talked to himself in the game it sounded like he was talking in a monotone.
Suggestions: Please don't make another game like this if you do listen the gamers they know what they are talking about. Please put blood in the next game.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10