Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 7616

Gameplay: the gameplay is pretty good too. the controls are really good. it was easy to just pick up and play. the stunts are really cool too, and i like the stunt meter. its really fun to go all the way out, and get thrown back by that thing. lol. its really fun to do the thing when you go underwater, then come up and do a flip. its so awesome.
Graphics: the visuals in this game are really good. the water looks really awesome, i think it might be better than bloodwake. the characters also look really good.
Audio: this game has pretty good sound. the engines sound really good and everything. the voices kinda suck though. theyre a little repetetive.
Suggestions: make the levels bigger, and put some secret things in there (secret things when you go exploring). other than that, its a really good game.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: I have played this game with my friend, and we have so much fun with it. we play it for hours at a time. we have contests, and we bet on who can be the first to reach like 10 points and everything. its a really fun party game. there are some really fun mini-games too.
Graphics: this game has some pretty good graphics. its not the best, but its not the worst. theyre a little above decent.
Audio: the sound is really good. the voices are done pretty well, but sometimes they can get annoying. some are just plain funny (one of zak's winning sayings is funny, me and my friend cracked up laughing when we heard it). the sound effects are also good.
Suggestions: make a sequel with ALOT more minigames. put some more characters in it
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10