Average Overall Score Given: 9.66667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 2
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

Gameplay: The game play is great. It did take me a while to figure out how to equip the sniper and shotgun attachments, but thats only because I am a real man and don't read instructions!! I think they have much improved on the game play, The AI is much improved and the use of flashlights for the characters is a greater challenge. I found the whistle to be a bit touchy, for instance if your on this side of an open door and whistle sometimes the characters don't hear it, and then if you move just inside the door jam all of the sudden it works. But other than that the game rocks! I love the use of the knife an the ability to show mercy by choking someone to sleep or stabbing them in the back!!! Cutting through plastic and tents was cool for different entry points. I also liked the fact that you can grab and pull somone out of a room where there is rice paper doors. I also loved pulling that guy off the light tower as well as pushing people overboard on the ship!!! Very cool. The controls are very much like all the other games so not much to learn there, I have not had a chance to play co-op or -vs- yet, but am looking forward to it. I would say that this game is what a sequal should be, the boys at Bungie should take notes on how to make a good sequal, always adding neat stuff, not taking away and don't take risks like making me play the enemy I grew so much to hate!!! But enough of that, way to go with this game!!! Very cool!!!
Graphics: The graphics are better, I noticed that the facial expressions were much better than before, but on the other hand, they are all the same. I think they improved a bit on the lighting of things as well as a more realistic night vision. Once again way to improve on things
Audio: This is so important when it comes to this type of game, because the suspence builds on you and being the fact that I have an awesome surround sound system, They did an awesome job on the sound! If a guard is behind me, I hear him behind me, if I use my sound scope thing, and zoom in, the talking gets louder, and that sort of thing. You obviously took your time on the sound to make it as realistic as possible. I love it!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play is great. I love the new settings and the story lines. I love the new guns but I have ran out of ammo quite a bit, I guess its more because I have wanted to just use the human weapons. I like the fighting, its more action packed then the first one. I don't have X-Box live,(I know, I know) but if I did the wife would leave me... hehe...
Graphics: Here is where I am suprised that everyone is giving this such great props. I think the game is a great game and I will play it as much as the first, but so far the graphics of the first game, such as the vehicles like the warthog and the tank are not a clean and I noticed while driving the tank it was a bit choppy. Also the master cheifs hand that is in view is not as sharp as in the firts halo. Also the mele attack is lame. In the first one there was a more fluid movement, in this one it seems like your hit is only 2 frames. I also don't like how dark the enimies are. It makes it less noticable when they die. The clarity of the grapics are not near as good as the first Halo, if you don't beleive me take a good look the next time you play the first halo again and then decide. I would have to say that the grapics were a bit of a disapointment especially when you look at games like splinter cell which have made improvements on the grapics from the first game to the next. But like I said I will have just as much fun with this one as I did with the first halo.
Audio: Well the sound was great at first. The music score is just as good as the first game but when the sound muffles, I thought there was something wrong with the game. I also don't like the sound of the assult rifle, it's muffled to, part of playing the first halo that I enjoyed was the sound of the assult rifle. I love the new scoped battle rifle, that gun sounds great. I also miss the screams of the eleits when they die. Over all I would have to say the sound is better in some aspects but as a whole I still like the first Halo better.
Suggestions: If there is a Halo 3 for the first X-box then do what you can to make halo 3 a blend of halo and halo 2 as far as graphics and sound.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: What else can I say? Oh the Graphics are awesome... Oh I already said that... The one thing that I forgot to mention was the binoculars are also a very cool recon tool. I also like the optic cable you can use to peak through a door lock or under a door to see what is on the other side. They made this game based more on stealth than the first. They also give you more ammo for shooting out lights as well as other extra non-lethal goodies such as flash bang grenades and a few others. Also they have new devices such a motion detectors that flash and distort your vision as well as alarm. So be careful. This game is less forgiving about moving fast through the game environment. The other things that are cool is that they didn't change the controls all that much from the first one so you don?t have to re-learn the controls. Another feature that I really enjoyed was the fact that you can now open a door without setting the bodies down. The developers really did what they could to refine this game.
Graphics: hmmmmmmmmmm... I think I already answered this... but once again, the graphics are much better than the first, you can tell that they pushed the graphics as about as far as they could, and I have to say thanks to the developer for that. the one thing I noticed was that the lighting was much improved over the first... The graphics are just cleaner than the first....
Audio: The sound is great, especially if you have a good surround sound system. I am talking one that has real speakers, not those home theaters with those small speakers, I am talking about big sound with dual 12 inch woofers for the front speakers and 10 inch rears. That is the only way to have surround sound... but enough of that... The sound is great. If there is one thing that I might complain about is that the music that chimes in when you have alerted a guard is less exciting as the original. It is very similar but they, for what ever reason, decided to make it more "rock" like and I feel as though it lost a bit of its feel. But I also have only played it for 3 hours, and it may grow on me.
Suggestions: hmmmmmmmmmm... I will have to get back to you on this....
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10