Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 13
Halo: Combat Evolved

Gameplay: The gameplay is amazing the whole story behind the game is so complex you really cant grasp the whole thing playing the game through once it also has an amazing multiplayer option.
Graphics: The graphics are really good for the time it came out. Sence then the graphics on games have inproved but I still say that this game wins overall even with old graphics.
Audio: The sounds are great. All the songs in the game match the postion you are in the game so perfectly you sometimes forget theres even music playing because it gets you so involved in the game.
Suggestions: No sugestions I dont think it could get any better but well see when Halo 2 comes out.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Well the game play is good the way the camera angles are makes it easy to control. Another thing is the caracters react fairly well with what happens to them in the game itself.
Graphics: The graphics are better then the first amped in my opion and they did really well on the senery for the back trails were as other games keep it to a straight path amped 2 gives you the advantage to go basicly anywhere.
Audio: The sound well the sound is amazing because it has tones of song already on the game as well you can add your own so you'll basicly never hear the same song twice in one time playing.
Suggestions: A sugestion would be to make ither the next amped or a download for a 4 player multiplayer game option.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10