Average Overall Score Given: 8.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Pitfall: The Lost Expedition

Gameplay: Easy enough to control. You can slide Harry up and down the vines to jump farther if needed. You hop off crocidiles backs and run quickly across hot coals. The camera works with the white and black buttons. A "look" feature allows you to take control of the camera angle.
I doubt I would want to play it twice. And it seems lots of the levels are played twice. I mean: You pass a level only to be sent back to the same area to accomplish another task later.
Graphics: Graphics are good and crisp. I was very pleased with the eye candy. Very cartoonish but clean. No dissapointments here.
Audio: Plenty of ambient sounds. Water running, monkeys screeching, Natives chanting and drumming. Overall sound is good.
Suggestions: Don't repeat the levels. How about autosave?
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The club swing is spectacular. It works well with the spring on the Xbox control thumbstick. Lots of settings for beginner to pro.
Graphics: Good graphics. I wish the crowd moved more. You won't be disappointed in this department. Lots of camera views.
Audio: Good sound. Maybe a bit annoying after a while. I can not think of any improvements to the sound. It even calls your players name.
Suggestions: I wish I could speed the ball travel up when I am not the current golfer. My father plays and drags it out by not speeding up the shot view.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10