Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 8
Top Spin Tennis

It has that magic that made Virtua Tennis amazing, then adds the flair and finese of a next-gen console and we have pure Tennis Heaven itself.
Gameplay: The gameplay in Top Spin feels so natural that you will have to restrain yourself at times from shouting at the screen when you swear it was out, this game captures the essence of tennis right down to the last detail.
Graphics: The game has stunning visuals and leaves nothing to be desired. Watching your ball hit the dirt and seeing the cloud of dirt bounce up as you swing your racquet back is amazing.
Audio: This is where my only quibble with the game becomes apparent - although the sounds in the game are amazing, they do get a tad repetitive and you will start to notice the same comments over and over
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10